Chapter 11: Falling Farther for You

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Grian woke up to the sunrise, immediately going to stretch but was interrupted by Scar still laying on him. "Oh. Right. That happened." Grian realized. Scar shifted at the movement, Grian immediately regretted it. He looked so.. Peaceful. "What am I thinking?" Scar yawned, then tilted his head to look at Grian. His breath hitched. "Has he always looked this good?" (Yes, Grian, he has. You've slept together twice!??!?? Pause.) "Cat got your tongue?" asked Scar, Grian was immediately put out of his trance. "I- Uh- I just-" Grian looked around frantically for anything to not admit he was staring. "I just noticed that-" His eyes landed on the scars on Scar's knees. "You have- scars on your knees? What happened to your knees?" he asked. "I fell from a really high place and broke them," Scar said nonchalantly. Grian looked confused. "...And you didn't die?" "I think I did." "HOW ARE YOU ALIVE?" Grian shouted. "I don't know! It must be a miracle!" Scar exaggerated. "Is your heart even beating? Am I hallucinating?" Grian panicked. "Of course it is!" Scar said, eyes wide. He takes Grian's hand and holds it to his chest. "Cold to the touch." and when he can't feel his heartbeat, Scar says, "Oh, it must be because of all the fabric. Shall I take some layers off?" "No, no, of course not!" Grian says, flustered. Scar grinned, and he said, "That's what I thought."

They sat in silence for a while, before Grian realized. "It's Monday." he said. Scar's eyes widened. "Oh no.. I don't wanna get up.." He batted his eyelashes. "I don't want to leave you" Grian sighed. "I'm not flying you back. Especially in- not quite broad daylight" "Why not?" Scar pouted. "I- Don't think I can carry that much while flying" he admitted. "Why don't we find out?!" "He's not gonna stop asking until I say yes.." "Fine." "Yay!" Grian stood up and grabbed Scar from under his arms. "We're gonna have to get real close for this. We already have.. We're gonna have to get closer for this" Grian prefaced. "I don't mind!" "You're being way too nonchalant for this.." Grian pulled Scar to his chest, wrapping his arms around his waist. "Still cold" (I'm sure Grian's heating him up nice and toasty) He unfurled his wings and began to fly, holding onto Scar tightly. He felt a cold hand on his own, but he kinda can't pay too much attention to that right now! "Woah! This is fun! Why don't you do this more often?" Scar exclaimed in pure joy. "In fear of being seen" said Grian. "But it's so cool!" "Sure it's more convenient to fly, but it's a lot more inconspicuous to walk" "Whatever you say, G"

After some flying, Grian landed in front of the apartment complex, not entirely aware of his surroundings. Pearl walked up to the two of them still locked on to each other. "Oh. My. God." she said. "PEARL! It's not you think!" Grian panicked. He quickly let go of Scar and folded his wings. "Are you sure?" "Positive" "Right, what happened then?" Pearl prodded. "Scar insisted I fly us home, because I'm sure if I didn't say yes, he'd keep asking" explained Grian. "Right, I'll believe your lies for now.." said Pearl. "You set us up!" Scar exclaimed. "What! Why would I do that?" Pearl panicked. "We're onto your tricks, Pearl!" Scar pointed an accusing finger at her. "You said you'd go stargazing with us but you never came!" "I was.. Busy! And I forgot to text you!" Pearl panicked, her Australian accent becoming more prominent. "Sure.. You never forget to remind us..." said Grian. Pearl tried to sneak past them, Grian stopping her with his wing. "What's your plan, Pearl? " "Nothing! I don't know what you're talking about! I've kinda gotta get to school, y'know mate?" Grian sighed and let her pass. "She totally has a plan and it has something to do with us." said Grian, Scar nodded his head in agreement. They stepped inside and went straight to the elevator.

Once they got ready to leave they both stepped outside and they practically sprinted to get there on time. There were only a few people in the halls, letting them know that they're late. Great. They hurried with taking things in and out of their lockers and hurried to their separate classes. Grian opened the door hastily and got stopped before he could make his way to his seat. "Grian MC, care to explain why you're late?" asked the professor. "...No" "Hm." He made his way to his seat and put his head down. "That cleaning lady is gonna be the death of me.."

Grian was actually paying attention this time, trying his best to ignore Pearl scribbling on her desk with pen. Bold move, I must say. He watched her in the corner of her eye wipe away at where she was doodling; only leaving a smear of blue ink on the desk, and a smudge on her hand. "I'll ask about that later.."

Grian waited for Pearl in the hall outside the room, just waiting to confront her. She walked out of the room and jumped slightly. He figured he wouldn't be too direct about it, just wait for the right opportunity. "What took you so long?" asked Grian as they began walking. "I just had some trouble with my stuff is all" she said, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear, exposing the smudge. "Yeah, so whats with your hand then?" he asked. "Oh! I got bored and drew on my desk, nothing much" "Mhm.." He crossed his arms. "Really! That teacher can be scary sometimes. She could've told me off for drawing on her desk!" she explained. "You wanna talk about this morning?" he asked. "Do you wanna talk about this morning? I saw how close you were to Scar~" She cooed. Grian's wings fluffed up. "PEARL! It wasn't- Fine! I'll shut up about this!" Pearl flipped her hair in success. "That's what I thought"

The two made their way to their lockers, yada yada etc etc.. (Can't you feel the excitement just flowing through me?)

Grian made his way home and plunked onto the couch face first. (That's a word, right?) "What the hell is her plan?! She's so confusing!" he complained.

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≈1062 words above the line
i half assed about half of this chapter so i apologize
whatever like subscribe and hit the bell, see you in 5 years

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