V1 Canon Side Story 02

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A few days have passed since Jaune had told (Y/N) about his secret.

Out on some errands, (Y/N) walks the city of Vale as Blake accompanies the student intern.

(Y/N): Do you really want to run these errands with me? I can handle them on my own.

Blake: It's fine. I needed some fresh air because I've been in the dorm for most of the week.

(Y/N): Hehe.

Blake: Where to first?

(Y/N): A supply run. I need more dust for my knives.

Blake: Ok.

They head to Dust Till Dawn, where the shopkeeper hands (Y/N) a container of dust as if it were a simple routine.

(Y/N): (pays with Lien) Thank you.

With the purchase made, (Y/N) and Blake both exit the establishment.

Blake: How often do you buy dust from there?

(Y/N): Every two weeks or so. I do work there on weekends most of the time.

Blake: You took a job there?

(Y/N): Mmhm. The shopkeeper works multiple jobs and I wanted to lessen the work load for him.

(Y/N): A part-time job at one of his stores was the best option. I did want to try to work at his noodle shop but I wouldn't be able to control myself with all that delicious food around me.

Blake: Didn't expect to hear that from you.

(Y/N): Why?

Blake: You usually eat pretty slow when we have lunch and dinner back at Beacon.

(Y/N): I didn't want to weird everyone out with how much I eat. I don't know why, but I have these urges to just eat a lot sometimes.

Blake: So, you do care about stuff like that.

(Y/N): Doesn't everyone?

Blake: It's just you act so open and carefree most of the time. I didn't expect anything to bother you all that much.

(Y/N): Hehe. I'm just full of surprises.

Blake: Where to next?

(Y/N): I think you might like this one.

They arrive at a local bookstore as Blake is quick to realize what store it is.

Blake: Tukson's?

(Y/N): I figured you bought most of your books from him. I help deliver his books to people sometimes.

Blake: I see. (downcast) Do you know that Tukson is like me...?

(Y/N): Yeah. (smiles) A nice person.

Blake is taken aback by the honest response as the duo enter the store.

Tukson: (with a smile) Welcome! Ah! (Y/N), Blake, I didn't know you two were friends.

(Y/N): It's nice to be back, Mister Tukson. You have any deliveries you want me to do for you?

Tukson: Not this time. Business has been slow.

He motions to the only two customers in his store.

(Y/N): I see. Is it out yet?

Tukson: The selection just came in yesterday.

(Y/N): Awesome! (runs to the selection)

Tukson chuckles at her enthusiasm as Blake is left out of sorts.

Tukson: (to Blake) You ok?

Blake: (livens up) Y-Yes. Sorry. I-Is the-

Tukson: In the same spot.

Blake: Thank you. (walks away)

With that, Blake and (Y/N) sit at a table together to read their books.

The book (Y/N) has tells a story about a young girl reincarnated into a villainess queen as she strives to change her past alignment to that of a saint.

In contrast, Blake reads a story about a man cursed with the ability to return by death as he pursues the salvation of all his friends despite the odds.

Both teens continue to read for awhile until (Y/N) gently taps Blake on the shoulder.

(Y/N): Are you hungry?

Blake: A bit, yeah.

(Y/N): Wanna go fishing with me?

Blake: (immediate) I'm in.

With their final errand made, (Y/N) takes Blake over to the Emerald Forest as the two are seen fishing by the lake in the area.

An awkward silence is made up between the pair as no fishes seem to be attracted to either of their fish lures at the moment.

(Y/N): (breaks silence) Was today fun for you?

Blake: Huh?

(Y/N): You said it was fine before, but I don't want to keep this up if it isn't any fun for you.

Blake: ...Today was fun. (as more fish continue to swim pass their lures)

Blake: At first, I saw this as an excuse to leave the dorm but with all the crazy events that happened since we came to Beacon, simple errands like this makes me feel all the more appreciative.

Blake: Tomorrow could bring us even more trouble, so days like this are all I could ask for.

Blake: Thank you, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Hehe. I didn't do all that much.

Blake: How do you do it?

(Y/N): What?

Blake: All these jobs and hobbies. With all that plus your internship here, I can't imagine the amount of exhaustion from it.

(Y/N): It does feel that way sometimes, but it makes me happy.

(Y/N): I don't remember all that much from my past but the only words that seem to echo in my mind are: "FIGHT" "WIN" "LOSE" "TRAIN" on repeat all the time.

Blake: (Y/N)...

(Y/N): Those words don't make me feel that upset or anything, but when I go explore and learn more about Remnant as a whole, it makes feel that this routine in my head is pretty insignificant.

(Y/N): When I become a Huntress, I want to be able to see more of this world and all it has to offer. The good parts and the bad parts.

(Y/N): And once I see and learn about the bad parts, I'll do my best to change them for the better.

Blake: (smiles) Part of me wants to do that as well.

With that, the two actually managed to catch some fish as (Y/N) proceeds to set up a campfire to cook them.

The duo then go on to eat them under the night sky as both teens appreciate the simple day they were allowed to have despite the craziness their lifestyle offers.

Side Story 02 End~

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