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Ruby could only scowl at Roman as he throws her across the floor.

Roman: (cackles) To think all I needed to do to beat you was to take away that oversized nightmare for cosplayers from you.

Ruby looks to see Crescent Rose is in the hands of two WF Grunts behind him.

She gets up and tries to run at the Grunts only for Roman to trip her, which causes the red-cloaked teen to stumble across the floor.

Roman: (laughs) Oh man. You know, Perry, I really did need this.

Perry thumbs up in response as Roman continues to enjoy the torment of his enemy.

Roman: (aims his cane at the downed Ruby) But seriously. How'd you find this place, Red?

Ruby growls and proceeds to use her semblance to try and retrieve Crescent Rose from the Grunts.

Roman: (briefly startled) Whoa!

With a smile, Roman flips over and fires the handle of his cane. The grapple hook catches Ruby by her hood and reels her back over to Roman.

Roman: I see you've got some tricks up your sleeve! Let me make this clear: We're not through here yet.

From there, a massive explosion suddenly occurs as Roman looks up.

Roman: Oh, what in the... Perry, if you and the boys could take care of that? Kinda wanted to enjoy this moment between us.

Perry nods and heads out to see what the cause is as another explosion sounds.

Roman: (annoyed) WHAT THE HELL?!

A third explosion sounds and multiple WF Grunts run out from around the corner, some left on the defensive in opposition to their unknown enemy.

Weiss, Blake, Yang, and Oobleck run around the corner, much to the annoyance of Roman.

Ruby decides to use this opportunity to rush at the Grunts one more time for Crescent Rose.

She lands a solid drop kick on the first one as the second Grunt tries to retaliate with Crescent Rose.

Ruby then moves her arms forward as the scythe cuts her bounds, which allows her to hit the Grunt with a solid left hook.

Ruby: (picks up her weapon) Nice to have you back.

She then hears the cackle of Roman as he has fired a explosive shot at her.

Ruby smirks and slices apart the projectile in twine.

The cloaked teen then calls upon her semblance to speed over to her friends.

Roman: Somebody kill her!

He and the WF members then open fire on Ruby as the trail of rose petals that make her up evades the violent rain of bullets.

Roman: (scowls at the WF Grunt beside him) Attach this cart and spread the word to the others: We're starting the train.

WF Grunt: But we're not finished!

Roman: (pins the WF member against the wall with Melodic Cudgel) Do it or you're finished!

Ruby continues to run away but screeches to a halt as she realizes she's about to make contact with a squadron of WF Grunts.

Suddenly, an explosion knocks them away as Yang is revealed to be the cause.

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