Chapter 11 - 20

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  Chapter 11 Extreme Heat
  The best way to repel mosquitoes with wormwood is to burn it. Its special smell can quickly smoke away mosquitoes, and as a medicinal material, it also has antibacterial, virus-carrying, moisture-removing, and menstruation-regulating effects.

  Applying wormwood on the body and spraying it on the clothes can also effectively repel mosquitoes.

  If the room is full of wormwood, it can escape a catastrophe.

  When the outside temperature reaches 70 degrees or more, mosquitoes that are resistant to high temperatures cannot survive.

  Lu Zhifeng was standing by the river with his daughter in his arms, he didn't catch fish for a long time, but he saw strange insect eggs in the water.

  Jiang Siyi reminded him, he squatted down and took a closer look, and it was indeed a small worm that had not yet formed a mosquito.

  It will be terrifying when all the eggs of such a big bug hatch out.

  Lu Zhifeng hugged his daughter tightly, thanked Jiang Si, and hurried to find wormwood.

  Jiang Si looked at the forest ranger on Lu Zhifeng's back with a little envy.

  She bought so many equipment, but they were not as powerful as the forest ranger gun in Lu Zhifeng's hand.

  The Longquan Forest Nature Reserve is relatively large, and there are many poachers. Lu Zhifeng became the captain of the forest ranger a few years ago, and there should be more than one ranger gun.

  If the opportunity is right, maybe some materials can be used to exchange a shot with Lu Zhifeng.

  Jiang Linhai asked Jiang Si: "Should we also get some wormwood?"

  Their house is close to the back mountain, and there are many snakes, insects, rats and ants in summer, so they planted some in the yard. Seeing such dense insect eggs, Jiang Linhai's scalp Feeling numb, I feel that those at home are far from enough.

  There are many benefits of wormwood, and naturally the more the better.

  Jiang Si nodded, "Well, let's get some more home!"

  Jiang Linhai knew where there was a lot of wormwood, and the father and daughter made a few large bundles not long after harvesting.

  There are also a lot of people around harvesting, they are not to prevent mosquitoes, but to use it for burning fire.

  Suddenly, a tall figure stepped out from the edge of the forest.

  Everyone looked up and exclaimed secretly.

  Qin Shen actually caught two huge wild boars again!
  Are wild boars so easy to catch? ?
  Fearing that there will be no meat to eat in the future, many people's bacon has never been served on the table. Seeing Qin Shen catching wild boars one after another, everyone became greedy and thought of catching wild boars.

  The bacon made by Jiang Si's two pigs is enough for them to eat for a long time, and there are many other meat products in the space.

  She was not interested in the wild boar that Qin Shen caught, but Qin Shen took the initiative to walk up to her and said, "Do you want a wild boar? I need salt." Jiang Si was a little surprised. With so many people, he chose himself to talk


  Maybe their house is relatively close, so it is convenient to exchange wild boar meat?
  There is a local habit of making sauerkraut, and salt is bought in boxes.

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