Chapter 231 - 240

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  Chapter 231 Ice Grape

  The food in Jiang Si's space can temporarily feed this mammoth without any problem.

  At present, we still have to stabilize this mammoth first.

  After all, it is powerful, with rough skin and thick flesh, it can also ignore her enchantment stewardess, and its super air-breaking power, no one can parry it.

  Jiang Si might be able to strangle it if he tried his best.

  But she is also extremely energy draining.

  The mammoth ate delicious food, and ate it again. His manic character seemed to suddenly become docile.

  After eating, he looked at Jiang Si with wide round eyes, probably meaning, hurry up and have some more.

  The reason why they are manic, apart from being frightened, is likely to be the extreme cold weather, which makes it impossible for them to find enough food, and their demand is huge.

  If Jiang Si feeds it, there will be less food in the space.

  Mammoths can weigh up to 20 tons, and each meal can eat several meals.

  Jiang Si looked at this guy who was hungry for food, and began to worry about how to get back the materials sent away by the black hole.

  If this mammoth depends on it, where can she get so much food for it to eat.

  As far as the space is concerned, it can't keep up with the speed of its consumption.

  Jiang Si wondered how to find a way to get this mammoth away, or turn on the black hole teleportation and send it away directly.

  It's a big head again. If you want the mammoth to be transported away by the black hole, you have to let it go in by itself.

  Looking at the mammoth's dead skin and face, it is very clever and clever, and the possibility of it rushing in accurately is really small.

  Fortunately, the mammoth was full, and finally calmed down, still dangling its big nose, sniffing and sniffing around under the snow.

  Only then did Jiang Si have time to care about other people's situation.

  Huang Lijuan and the others were all taken aback by the sudden appearance of the mammoth and Jiang Linhai with the body of an octopus.

  Just after recovering, Qin Shen transformed from a big white tiger into a human form again under the watchful eyes of everyone.

  As for the snow wolf who was lying on the ground just now and dared not run away, Qin Shenleng glanced at him, and his head became more and more frightened.

  Jiang Si calmly made a cover to cover Qin Shen's body, and handed him clothes to put on.

  Huang Lijuan and the others' eyeballs almost popped out of shock.

  I rely on!

  Everyone is mutated, but they are not mutated?

  This is so unfair!

  They only dared to say a few words in their hearts, and they all maintained extremely respectful expressions.

  Perhaps, these guys were originally gods who saved the world.

  It was discovered that human beings were about to perish, and only now did they come out to save people.

  They frantically thought about it, and then they suddenly became happy, so following them will lead a good life!
  Mina's consciousness gradually recovered, and the moment she saw Kilton clearly, her eyes were flushed, "Brother! Fortunately, you are safe!"

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