Chapter 101 - 110

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  Chapter 101 Megalodon The icebreaker

  broke through the ice, and before it set off, the blizzard that came as soon as it was said came again.

  The white field of vision made it difficult to see the direction, and the ship suddenly swayed after a while.

  In the extreme cold of the last days, this kind of wind that can overturn ships and buildings is called "killer wind". Seeing that the ship is shaking more and more violently on the sea, Jiang Si hurriedly said to everyone: "Sit back to your seat and tie the safety net. Belt."

  Everyone sat in their respective seats and quickly fastened their seat belts, and there was a creaking sound above their heads, like the sound of a ship falling apart.

  Looking at the roaring blizzard outside the cabin, Jiang Linhai said with horror, "This blizzard is getting bigger and bigger every day, can this boat hold it?"

  Everyone Now I feel like sitting on a swinging ball. If there is a slight imbalance, the icebreaker may capsize.

  As soon as the ice surface was broken by them and the ship capsized, they were all about to sink to the bottom of the sea.

  Jiang Sidao: "This is an icebreaker, give it a little confidence, the temperature is so low, the ice breaks open, and it will freeze soon, even if it capsizes, it's no big deal." "Since you can't get out, don't

  worry Just stay here."

  Lu Zhifeng nodded, "Anyway, the cruise ship will definitely not blow away."

  Everyone said a few words together, and the uneasiness in their hearts was also dispelled.


  There was a loud noise, and the yacht behind was blown over by the blizzard.

  Unexpectedly, it would blow up so quickly, Jiang Si was shocked.

  The two ships were connected by steel cables. The yacht capsized, and the icebreaker was pulled up high along with it. Everyone was ejected like a seesaw, their hearts were suspended high, and then fell heavily.

  The moment the cable was torn off, the yacht was thrown out by the blizzard and hit the cruise ship heavily.

  The loud noise made everyone tremble with fear, lest the icebreaker would follow.

  Fortunately, the icebreaker lived up to expectations and survived the disaster abruptly.

  When the wind and snow were a little lighter, Jiang Si undid the safety buckle on his body, went to the stern of the icebreaker, and checked the situation of the yacht behind through the observation window.

  But the glass window was covered with thick ice and snow, Jiang Si couldn't see clearly, in order to prevent another wave of blizzard, Jiang Si dared to open the hatch only after the heavy snow stopped completely.

  The heavy snow almost sealed the door of the hatch, and it was not known whether the engine could still run normally after the yacht was hit.

  If not, many people in the cabin may die if they cannot warm up in time.

  Jiang Linhai and Lu Zhifeng shoveled away the snow, Jiang Si stood on Class A and watched, many people on the yacht had come down.

  Experienced crew members are trying to straighten the crooked yacht from all directions.

  Others are repairing the damaged hull.

  Dr. Xi Rui ran to the icebreaker, and when he saw Jiang Si, he hurriedly raised his hands and shouted: "Miss Jiang, can you wait for us, we will be able to follow you in a short time, please. "

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