Chapter 161 - 170

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  Chapter 161 Timely Rain

  felt that Jiang Si's behavior was strange, everyone looked at her and asked strangely: "Sisi, what are you doing?"

  Jiang Si pointed to the place where the sea water was dripping and said, "Look carefully."

  Shen Baoying looked carefully, and found that this little fleshy worm was actually crawling around the place where the seawater dripped.

  Everyone's eyes lit up, "Could it be that this kind of bug is afraid of sea water?"

  Jiang Si nodded, "Maybe, let's try again." Qin Shen

  picked out some ice cubes from the fish box, put them in a pot to melt, and melted the sea water Poured on the insects, it is more effective than insecticide, and the insects can't move in an instant.

  Everyone's eyes widened. These insects seem to be really afraid of salt water. Thinking about it carefully, they get on and off the icebreaker every day. No matter how careful they are, they may bring insects on board, but these insects have never appeared on the seaside.

  Everyone immediately became excited. If they had discovered earlier that sea water could restrain these bugs, their greenhouses and houses would be fine.

  Although it's too late now, they found out anyway, they have plenty of time now, and they can build it slowly.

  Jiang Si stared at the corpse of the little meat worm and said: "See if the eggs can be killed. If it can be killed, let's get some and water it at the entrance of the seed bank." The seed bank is full of plants and stored

  materials. If the insects occupy it, the loss will be great, and Jiang Si will be heartbroken to death. If those seeds wait until the day when the extreme cold disappears, it may be the time when the farming era will be revived.

  Everyone hastily went to the seaside to draw a box of sea water, and got two big boxes of small meat worms to observe.

  At dawn, everyone couldn't wait to check the situation.

  Jiang Si and Qin Shen have arrived.

  The little meat worms should have hatched according to the previous hatching speed, but after being filled with sea water, these little meat worms didn't move at all.

  Jiang Si said to everyone: "I'm sure seawater is effective for them."

  Zhang Qingfang sighed deeply, "Seawater is effective for insects, but it is corrosive to soil. We can't grow vegetables and food anymore."

  Jiang Si comforted : "Grandma, don't we still have a greenhouse on the ship? It's okay to grow less. Anyway, at the beginning, I wanted to grow more vegetables and radishes just to feed the monkeys. Now the monkeys can eat insects as well as fish. To be honest, we need to grow a few varieties first, and then we will slowly study the seeds in the seed bank to see which vegetable and grain seeds can adapt to the soil with high salinity, or we can wash the soil several times with hot spring water, or isolate the safe seeds separately. Spatial hydroponic vegetables."

  Zhang Qingfang smiled and said, "That's fine."

  The big guys got busy again, pumping seawater to spray everything around them.

  Although the seawater has melted, the temperature is still around minus 20 degrees to 30 degrees below zero. The seawater pumped up is easy to freeze. Once the pump stops working, it will stop.

  Everyone sprayed seawater on the entrance of the seed bank, three layers inside and three layers outside, and when they piled up, they turned into a saltwater iceberg.

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