Chapter 71 - 80

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  Chapter 71 Earthquake
  With such a long distance, how could it be impossible for this man to find them in such a short time.

  Jiang Si suddenly thought that the locator on Jiang Linhai's body must have been taken away by this person.

  Jiang Si stared at him, clenched her fist tightly, and if he dared to touch Jiang Linhai and Shen Baoying's fingers, she would definitely let him die without a place to bury him.

  Suddenly, the man said a few words to his subordinates. After a while, Jiang Linhai and the others were brought to the man with their hands tied.

  Jiang Si took a breath. Fortunately, Jiang Linhai and the others are fine.

  The man brought Jiang Linhai and the others up, clearly threatening Jiang Si who was lurking in the dark, so don't act rashly.

  Otherwise, Jiang Linhai and the others would be in immediate danger of their lives.

  Parents are Jiang Si's weakness, Jiang Si really dare not act rashly now.

  Jiang Chengwu asked Jiang Si: "How is it? What's the situation? Do they have guns?"

  Jiang Si nodded: "There are guns, and our location has also been discovered." Jiang Chengwu was

  startled, and asked anxiously: "Then what should we do?"

  Jiang Si frowned, "Either sneak up and rescue my parents, or just break in!" "

  I'm afraid, they will be angered, so go straight to it!"

  "It's best to have a perfect plan."

  Jiang Chengwu thought : "They are afraid of us, so they won't kill people lightly, why don't they find an opportunity to save people secretly?"

  Jiang Si only has one space, and the value of force is high, and it is impossible to strangle several people at the same time.

  With Qin Shen around, it might be okay for the two of them to cover back and forth.

  Unfortunately, Qin Shen's whereabouts are unknown.

  Just as Jiang Si was thinking about a more perfect solution, Dabai suddenly moved like a gust of wind.

  Jiang Si quickly patted it on the back, "Dabai stop!"

  Instead of listening, Dabai galloped towards the camp where he was stationed.

  Jiang Si had no choice but to say to Jiang Chengwu and Zhang Qingfang: "Don't follow, Dabai and I will be fine, wait until we find you!"

  Dabai's sensitive movements were hidden under the darkness, so it was difficult to be found.

  Jiang Si guessed that it was trying to save people for her. Jiang Si quickly took out the gun, put on the body armor, and prepared to fight these people to the death.

  With a body as big as Dabai, his thick paws stepped on the mountain, and there was only a slight movement, as if the wind was blowing gently.

  But the terrain around the station is flat, and there are fires everywhere. Even though the big white fur is very fast, people still found it and exclaimed: "What is that!" "God! It's a tiger!" "


  , There is meat to eat tonight!"

  Some people were still cheering, planning to make at least two coats from the skin of such a big white tiger.

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