Chapter 51 - 60

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  Chapter 51 Heavy Rain
  Shen Baoying winked at Jiang Linhai, they quietly exited the room, and the atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

  Especially when Jiang Si closed her eyes, she could clearly feel Qin Shen's well-articulated hands pressing rhythmically on her body all the time.

  Her body was comfortable, as if Qin Shen had opened up the two veins of Ren and Du, but her heart was suffering so much that she couldn't help talking to her to relieve her inner tension.

  "I press myself, is it equally effective?"

  Qin Shen paused, and then said, "You can try."


  Jiang Si sat up obediently, turned her head and fought Qin Shen face to face Had a face-to-face meeting.

  Unexpectedly, Qin Shen would not avoid it, so Jiang Si looked away, coughed lightly, imitating Qin Shen's movement just now, exerting strength on his still sore arm.

  Qin Shen corrected her movements, as long as he touched her, the body's reaction would be different, very comfortable, as if the pores all over his body were breathing.

  No matter how she pressed herself, no matter how similar her technique was to Qin Shen's, it was the same as Shen Baoying's, and it had no effect.

  It hurts, it still hurts, as long as Qin Shen stops, the pain will intensify after a while.

  It made her doubt whether she was addicted to Qin Shen.

  But Qin Shen's expression as steady as Mount Tai, and his calm and effective tactics made her feel that she was thinking too much, and it should be that the techniques she had mastered were not enough.

  Jiang Si turned his back to Qin Shen, and he worked hard to massage himself.

  She couldn't hold back a peek at him out of the corner of her eye, Qin Shen looked serious, without any charm in his eyes.

  Jiang Si really felt that Shen Baoying's decision to let him stay was right, without his help, I don't know how she would have survived this time.

  I don't know if she was affected by the energy stone, maybe she couldn't get the energy stone out of her body, and she was afraid that if it was taken out, the space would also collapse.

  Jiang Si's mind was drifting, and when he gradually became sleepy, Qin Shen seemed to have sore hands, and twisted his wrist slightly.

  A trace of guilt arose in Jiang Si's heart, and he decided to give Qin Shen more supplies and food after he found a safe place to settle down.

  Feeling a little relieved, Jiang Sicai asked again: "Qin Shen, can my disease be cured?"

  Living a new life, every minute and every second is earned. After all, she also hopes to live this life in peace. Seriously, then she can take precautions and arrange everything for her family as soon as possible.

  Qin Shen was silent, and Jiang Si thought there was nothing he could do, and felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

  Suddenly, he said suddenly: "It will get better gradually, don't worry."

  It was probably comforting, but Qin Shen's rare gentle tone was also strange.

  Jiang Si quietly glanced at him a few times, with a slight smile on her lips, "Then I may trouble you later." "

  It's okay."

  The tone was light, like the coolness after the rain.

  A trace of disappointment flashed in Jiang Si's heart, and she didn't even realize it in an instant. She had an unusual feeling for Qin Shen.

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