Chapter 201 - 210

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       Chapter 201

  Zhang Aihua hesitated to speak, and watched Jiang Si and Qin Shen leave.   Only then did Zhang Yiwen surround Zhang Aihua excitedly and asked, "Dad, the clothes on your body

  are moving. Can you manipulate them like a superman?"

The fingertips spread out.

  Zhang Yiwen's eyes widened excitedly, and he stretched out his hand to touch the barbed vine. The vine retracted the barbs and touched him lightly like a puppy.

  Zhang Yiwen admired Zhang Aihua even more, "Dad, Dad, you are amazing!"

  Zhang Aihua was also amazed at her own ability, looking at the dumbfounded Brother Qiu and the second child, she stretched out her hand, her thoughts moved as she wished, a thick vine Then he quickly rose from the ground and attacked Brother Qiu and the second child together.

  The sharp vines, like a sharp knife, were about to stab them straight, so frightened Brother Qiu and the second child both covered their heads and screamed.

  Suddenly, Zhang Aihua controlled the vines to stop again, then picked up a small broken stone on the ground, and put it in front of Song Yufang who was shocked.

  "Wife, I can protect you now, I can protect you now!"

  Song Yufang realized that she was also very happy. Not only did Zhang Aihua not die, but she had such a strange ability.

  Like Zhang Yiwen, she touched the vines carefully, felt their docileness, and said happily: "That's great!" Then she asked Zhang Aihua, "Then can you use it to catch fish?"

  Zhang Aihua smiled: "It should be possible. "

  Zhang Yiwen immediately pulled up to Zhang Aihua and said, "Father, let's go and try it!"

  Song Yufang wanted Zhang Aihua to use his ability to dig the house buried by heavy snow and get more supplies from it.

  Zhang Aihua smiled and said: "Listen to your mother first, dig out the supplies."

  Brother Qiu and the second child asked cautiously: "Brother, how did you become like this, can you make us become like this!"

  This ability is really cool.

  If they are in danger, they probably have the ability to protect themselves.

  Zhang Aihua shook his head, "I'm not a zombie, how could I infect you all? Speaking of which, I became like this, I was put to death and reborn, and the blood was almost washed away by the vines." Brother Qiu and the second child looked at each other

  , "Forget it."

  The vines seemed to have eyes in the snow, with the ability to detect, and soon found a building covered by heavy snow.

  It looks like a camping restaurant.

  The camping restaurant must have a lot of supplies, food, tents, outdoor stoves, medicines and other daily necessities.

  When Zhang Aihua told Song Yufang the news, she was very excited, "If there is any tool, I think we are digging a toilet in our small cave." After all, the public toilets

  and bathrooms in the cave are somewhat inconvenient.

  In fact, Zhang Aihua felt that if she wanted to, it would be no problem for them to live alone.

  Dig a better cave, just like Jiang Si and the others.

  With his current ability, he will definitely make the whole family live well.

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