Chapter 141 - 150

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  Chapter 141 Weaving Monkey

  The next day I went to the greenhouse, and there was no complete radish seedling in the vegetable field around the greenhouse.

  In the greenhouse, let alone look at it.

  It must have all been eaten.

  Everyone decided not to replant radish seedlings for the time being, and not to grow vegetables in the greenhouse, but let the monkeys live first.

  If they have a place to live, then feed them and put them under the fence, they should be completely subdued within a few days.

  The big guys continued to move building materials, trim wood, and build houses.

  No. 1 and No. 2 followed suit and worked hard to do what they could.

  The Monkey King looked thoughtfully at the actions of Number One and Number Two.

  After a busy morning, the foundation of the first house was finally laid.

  At this time, it is almost time for everyone to have lunch.

  In order to let the monkeys know clearly, only by following them will there be food.

  Everyone picked up the firewood directly, and grilled sea fish, shrimp, abalone, shiitake mushrooms and other ingredients on the spot.

  Number one and number two were afraid of fire, but they couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food, so they squatted in front of Shen Baoying, waiting eagerly.

  Shen Baoying gave them a grilled sea fish.

  No. 1 and No. 2 hugged and gnawed, the soft, hot and delicious grilled fish grabbed their stomachs at once, and started to chew hungrily.

  The monkeys watched with eyes widened, but they didn't dare to step forward like yesterday.

  Jiang Si ate two palm-length prawns and was half full.

  After eating a grilled fish as big as No. 1 and No. 2, I still wanted to eat it. When I saw the ungrilled fish skewers next to it, I hesitated to think whether I could get it.

  The well-dressed appearance, the timid little eyes, and a few years old child are too similar and cute.

  Shen Baoying said dotingly: "Take it."

  They are also edible raw.

  Hearing Shen Baoying speak, they reacted cleverly, picked up the fish skewer and took a big bite.

  After swallowing this big gulp, they showed an expression of chewing wax.

  Probably, the taste of grilled fish and raw fish is too different.

  I didn't get used to it for a while.

  No. 1 and No. 2 were not in a hurry to eat. They looked at the raw fish in their hands suspiciously, and then at the fish that was still being grilled in the hands of the big guy.

  It seems to be a little different.

  So, being smart, they stretched out their hands carefully and sent the raw fish to the fire.

  Seeing that everyone did not stop them from grilling fish, they moved a little further forward.

  Shen Baoying quietly winked at Jiang Si, with a look of pride on how smart they are.

  Seeing No. 1 and No. 2 roasting fish by the fire, enjoying themselves, eating some peanuts and melon seeds from time to time.

  The monkeys became more and more anxious to see it.

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