Chapter 81 - 90

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  Chapter 81
  A total of eight adult elephants were left behind, and the wild fruits they rolled together weighed over a hundred catties.

  They put down the fruit and left gracefully.

  Shen Baoying picked up the green fruit, looked at it, and said with a smile, "This is a wild kiwi fruit and a small green date."

  Jiang Linhai picked up a small green date, rubbed it with his hand, put it in his mouth and took a bite, "Taste It’s okay, it’s quite fresh, Niuniu, try it.”

  “Thank you uncle.” Niuniu took the small green jujube Jiang Linhai gave, took a bite, and then smiled, “It’s so sweet and delicious!”

  Jiang Si swiped the knife I peeled a small kiwi fruit, which was just right in hardness, but a little sour.

  Jiang Si said to Shen Baoying: "It's good to make canned kiwi fruit."

  Shen Baoying smiled and said: "I'm on the road, how can I have time to make it, we have a lot of people, and the hundred catties will be finished in a while, and I will add more while it is fresh." Vitamins."

  Niu Niu held up the jujube pit inside the small green dates and said, "We can save some seeds and plant them in front of our house in the future, and we can also make canned food." Everyone laughed and praised

  Niu Niu for her good idea.

  In fact, not only are there many seeds stored in Jiang Si’s space, most of the fruits and vegetables grown can be eaten in half an acre of space.

  Often when everyone is asleep, Jiang Si has to go into the space to pick and replant.

  She has harvested too much to avoid waste. She still needs to process it and supply it for long-term storage.

  After one night, Jiang Si started the helicopter and flew towards the coastline.

  Huaxi City is near the coastline, and the radar of the helicopter is interfered by many signals, indicating that there must be a lot of survivors nearby.

  They have enough supplies, and they don't need to take the risk of going to the city.

  Jiang Si originally wanted to go to the airport to get another helicopter, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

  The northern base already existed, so how could there be a intact helicopter left for her.

  Jiang Si found an open place where the coastline is hidden and convenient for helicopters to land.

  Looking at the endless sea, Niuniu was a little excited.

  This was the first time she had seen the sea.

  She said in amazement: "The sea is so beautiful, like blue glass! Colorful water!"

  Lu Zhifeng touched her head, "Yes, very beautiful." Then he said meaningfully: "It is also very dangerous. "It's not much better than the forest.

  Jiang Si is going to the beach to release the yacht, just in case, it is best to have someone cover.

  Once it’s set up as soon as possible, everyone can be called over and board the boat quickly.

  During this period, there were no accidents, and it was possible to reach the west coast of the North Country smoothly in a week.

  Jiang Linhai glanced around, and said to Jiang Si in a low voice: "The earthquake crack is not very big, and there may not be a big earthquake. We go to the North Country, maybe we don't have this place?" "As long as there is

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