Chapter 151 - 160

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        Chapter 151

  Some of them know how to build a greenhouse, but they don't have the materials, and they can't repair it.

  Before Song Yufang had a big meal, she had already begun to miss her open refrigerator, and she could have whatever she wanted.

  Sensing her loss, Zhang Aihua comforted her: "The living will not be suffocated to death by urine. The ancient people wanted to eat vegetables in winter, and they could think of ways to grow vegetables by warming the house. Since radishes can grow, maybe they will grow vegetables." If you find other vegetables that can grow alive, life will definitely get better day by day."

  Song Yufang nodded, and then leaned into his arms and said coquettishly: "I never thought that our final destination in this life is actually a farmer."

  Zhang Aihua laughed Said: "It's good to be born in nature, and to die in nature."

  The two of them began to get tired of it after a few words, Zhang Yiwen shook his eyes and looked disgusted, "Mom, my fish is going to be mushy, can you Seriously? OK?"

  Song Yufang glared at him, Zhang Aihua pinched his little face, and went to find a way to remove the rice.

  Be sure to eat a bowl of hot rice today.

  Without a husking machine, the paddy can only be beaten continuously with a mallet until all the husks are smashed out, leaving behind white rice grains.

  The men united as one and pounded two bags of rice and one bag of wheat. Those who like rice can eat rice, and those who like pasta can eat pasta.

  There was a lot of sea snake meat, and they dragged five back from the beach, which was enough for them to eat a full meal.

  Jiang Si didn't give much seasoning, so everyone dared to sprinkle more salt. If there was no more, they would go to the ice to dig a little sea ice and come back to distill the salt.

  Before, I hated the cold in winter, but when I saw the pile of sea snakes on the ice, everyone felt lucky.

  In a large natural icehouse, they can completely remove the snake skin and freeze it.

  They can eat snakes for more than half a year by cutting the ice once and releasing some snakes.

  Think about it is very beautiful.

  Just do what they say, Zhang Aihua and the others eat and drink enough, and soon they are divided into two groups, one group digs wood to build houses, and the other group goes to dig pits to freeze snake meat.

  Everyone was full of energy, and even Song Yufang was picking up branches, intending to pick up her ancestors' papermaking skills again.

  She was fed up with the feeling of rubbing ice and snow in the toilet.

  Their every move reached Qin Shen's ears. This vibrant atmosphere was very contagious.

  Jiang Linhai felt a lot of urgency to fix the house quickly.

  The monkeys are really good at eating and doing things. With their help, it is estimated that Jiang Si and Qin Shen will be the first to build the wooden house in another week.

  Back on the icebreaker at night, Jiang Si came out of the bathroom to take a shower, and saw Qin Shen lying on the bed writing and drawing.

  Qin Shen is a very disciplined person, and he will definitely work at the workbench.

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