Chapter 171 - 180

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       Chapter 171

  Zhang Aihua and the others acted immediately according to Jiang Si and Qin Shen's instructions, put the second child on an operating table and pushed it to the cave compartment inside.

  Qin Shen took the surgical equipment, and Jiang Sina took the movable blinds and lights, and after a while, the others were cut off from the outside.

  During the operation, you need to keep quiet and not be disturbed by anyone.

  Fearing that the children would make noise, Zhang Aihua asked them to find a place to hide alone.

  The cave is blocked again, to prevent the vultures from attacking again.

  It was not the first time that Qin Shen treated the wounds for everyone, but it was the first time for Jiang Si to see him pick up the scalpel.

  They say serious men are the most handsome.

  Qin Shen was already handsome, so he couldn't move his eyes away.

  But for Qin Shen's operation, besides taking care of the lights, she also helped hand over some guys to make the operation go more smoothly.

  Although the second child's scapula was pierced, he bled a lot and looked scary, but luckily he avoided the heart, so the operation was not responsible, and it didn't take long.

  It took more than an hour for Qin Shen to finish suturing.

  He looked at Jiang Si, "Okay."

  Jiang Si gave him a thumbs up, packed up the equipment, and the two put away the blinds together.

  Zhang Aihua asked excitedly: "Mr. Qin, how is he?"

  The second child is a friend and subordinate who has been with him for a long time and has worked hard to make friends. He really does not want him to die.

  Qin Shen nodded calmly, "It's all right now. He will probably wake up after the anesthesia is over. I've written some medication instructions on paper. You can take it." At first he thought Qin Shen was superior and would not touch his fingers

  . The boss of Yang Chunshui.

  Unexpectedly, the boss is indeed a boss, and he is also proficient in medical skills.

  No wonder the people on a ship obeyed his command.

  With Qin Shen here, it was equivalent to having a second life ready.

  He still hasn't figured out how many people are on the icebreaker.

  Zhang Aihua took the list, looked at the list of medicines on it, and needed drips and anti-inflammatory injections.

  They don't get it at all.

  When I was a little anxious, Jiang Si had already said: "The medicine will be delivered to you later." Zhang Aihua was

  overjoyed, "Thank you, thank you, I will thank you for your life-saving kindness on behalf of the second child, and wait for the second child to wake up." , and let him personally repay you.”

  The dying second child was angered by Qin Shen like this, and he would give medicine for follow-up treatment.

  Everyone's last sliver of wariness towards Qin Shen and Jiang Si was also wiped away, only filled with joy and wanting to make friends.

  In case something happened to them, Qin Shen and Jiang Si might also help.

  Zhang Aihua was afraid that Qin Shen and Jiang Si would be disgusted by everyone's hospitality, so he changed the topic and said, "Mr. Qin, the vultures can't find food now, and traveling is very dangerous. When you go back, you must be careful." Brother Qiu

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