A Killer's Redemption #8

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Don't be quiet

Start a riot

Because if you don't people will step all over you

This i know is true

Go start a riot

Maybe you should try it

Don't tell me what you need

Because you are a book for which I read

You keep telling yourself that you are going to be famous

But all you are going to be is infamous

Run like the wind

For this is not the end

One day you will be a killer

Crank up that tiller

They will be six feet deep

I will not weep

This life is full of pain and suffering

And you are standing there buffering

The killer is plotting what to do next

As I write this text

Turn around

For this is not the place where joy is found

Jesus is one to trace

So find God's grace

The killer asked what to do

With this stuff so true

I said repent

And his grace will be sent

He died for youir sins

Now it's time to make amends

He dropped his knife

And gave up his life

The killer's life

No longer had to deal with strife

He was feeling good

Better then he usually would

Thank you my friend

For now I am not at my end

Thank you for showing me the right way

Now I'm off to go pray

My Old Poems (2011)Where stories live. Discover now