Until the End #68

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Cold and broken

It feels hopeless 

My true self now awoken

Filled with stress

The real beast 

No longer wants to hide 

It wants to be released 

To be by your side

Until the End 

No need to be alone

No need to see how far you can bend

No need to be a drone

Don't hide your true self

Let it release

Or you will be by yourself

Let it be as a disease

Eating away at your insides 

It waits 

It abides

It hates

You pulled me apart 

Strand by strand

But I'm still by your heart

Holding your hand

Until the End

I will never let go 

My friend 

This is one thing you already know

You are held in my heart 

So deep 

From the start 

I knew you were a keep

I will never delete 

You from my heart

You are not a repeat

This Is just the start

Of something greater 

Something stronger

A pathway straighter

Something that will last longer

My Old Poems (2011)Where stories live. Discover now