Shroud #9

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I recently wore a shroud

I felt like I was plummeting from a cloud

But now the one I love is gone and all I feel is strife

He had a full life

This all started one night

When we had a terrible fight

Every other night

We had a fight

We needed help

Because every other night he left a welp

After several weeks

And several mean streaks

He grabbed the knife

And was about to take my life

He stabbed me

In the knee

I ran as far as I could

As fast as my legs would

He threw the knife and stuck my shoulder to the wall

I knew this would be my fall

He grabbed the knife out of me and slit his throat

And that is all she wrote

Now I am standing here

In utter fear

I am standing here wondering what to do

I have no clue

A guy came up to me

And asked me if I was free

I said of course not

My family is all I got

He told me how to be saved

So I behaved

I gave up my life

And forgot about the knife

I put it behind me

Now I'm free

My Old Poems (2011)Where stories live. Discover now