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Esther's pov

Today, I am alone in this house. Even with the people in this house, I still feel alone. I woke up from sleep and put my phone on the charger before heading downstairs for breakfast.

That's when I noticed that the two hulks were here. I turned around to go back to my room, but Elijah called me.

"Join us for breakfast," he said, his face still buried in his plate. Eric was sitting opposite him.

Well, I am hungry. I thought it wouldn't hurt to eat with them. The maid prepared my breakfast and placed it in front of me.

It was awkward in the silence. They kept glancing at me, but I didn't mind.

"If you want to go out, I can take you," Elijah offered. It wasn't normal. The last time he asked this was... well, there was only one time.

It was the only time he took me shopping. He took me to the mall as an excuse to spend time with his girlfriend. We reached the mall, and he said, "Esther, you stay here. I'll be back quickly." He didn't wait for my reply and went to a girl. She hugged and kissed him. Little Esther ran to him, but her short legs made her slow. She looked around for him, but he was nowhere to be found. She went back to the place where he asked her to wait, and she waited at the mall for him until night.

"Hey, go outside. We need to close," the security guard said to her. She jumped at his shout.
"No, my brother will be here soon," Esther replied. But they pushed her to the ground.

The security guard closed the mall. The lights started to turn off. The roads became quiet. The darkness made Esther scared. She heard the street dogs barking.

"Eli, where are you?" she cried. The darkness was increasing. She sobbed, sitting at the roadside.

A car stopped in front of her. It was a night patrol police car.

"Child, why are you sitting here?" the police officer asked. She was murmuring. The police officer went to her side. Her body was burning.

"Do you have your father's number?" the police officer asked kindly.

"Yes," she dialed Richard's number. Soon, he picked up his daughter. She opened her eyes in the hospital. Elijah was standing in front of her. His face was angry.
She slowly called him.

"Eli, are you mad at me because I didn't wait at the mall? I was there, but the security pushed me outside," she said with her energy-drained voice. He just stood there and then walked out of the room.
The small Esther thought her brother's madness was because of this, but he was mad because his dad called Elijah in the middle of him hooking up with his girl.

End of the past

"Es!" he called her. "What are you thinking?" Elijah asked.
"Just thinking about the past," I said while chewing. "And don't call me Es," I warned them. Their faces fell. Who cares?. 

I continued with my food.

"Do you want to go somewhere?" Eric asked me.
"Yeah, I want to go to Mars. Can you drop me there?" I said it very sweetly to him.
"Don't fucking play with me, Esther. Who are you?" he asked.
"Don't you dare raise your voice against me, Eric?" I said. He was totally surprised. My voice is higher than his, and my eyes are cold.

"I am here trying to be your brother," he said. This time, his voice is down. You should keep this voice while talking to me.

"You are not my brother. Then why are you trying?" I said. He was not a brother to me in the past. Now he suddenly care about me.

Sara came from her room, wiping her face pack. She interrupted us.
"Esther, look, we all love you. Why can't you understand that?" she said. I very well know how much you love me, Sara.

"Don't say anything to her, Sara. Look, Esther, how innocent Sara is." The first sentence was to Sara, and the second was to me. Sara is older than Eric. She is the same age as Elijah.

"Yeah, she is. That is why you played the good brother role for her," I said.

"You are unnecessarily creating problems," Elijah said. He was hearing all our arguments.

"My problems are unnecessary. Have you ever considered me, Elijah? Now you came to play the role of a brother," I said and walked to my room.
On my way, Sara showed a smile, ruining my morning.

I sat on my bed. It was always like this. Whatever she said was right.

One day, my family and Tommy's family were having lunch at our house. His family has a partnership with dad. At that time, Lucy called me to my dad's study.

I went there to meet Sara and Lucy. Lucy was angry with me. She was holding a gun against me. My brothers and father were outside.

"Don't tell anyone!" Lucy yelled at me. I was dumbfounded.
"Dad told me to never lie," I answered. I am scared of the gun. She was aiming at me. She can't shoot me, right? She is my mom.

"Ahh," she shot a bullet. It hit the flower vase. My dad, brothers, and Tommy's family ran to the room. In the meantime, she put the gun in my hand and hit Sara on the floor. She fell to the floor. They both were fake crying.

"What happened?" dad asked.
"She tried to shoot Sara, thankfully, it didn't hit her." That word was enough for them. Without wasting any time, my dad made arrangements to send me abroad. I cried, hugging his leg, but he didn't listen to my words. My brothers neglected me. They didn't look in my direction.

For them, I tried to kill Sara because Tommy said he liked her. Even Tommy believed that I tried to kill her. An eleven-year-old tried to kill her sister.

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