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Esther's pov

I was looking at my laptop with a cup of tea. My work is almost done. I shut it down and removed my glasses.

There are many voices coming from downstairs. I went to check this out. It was a bunch of girls.

"Esther", Richard called me when he saw me looking at these new characters. I went there.

"These are Sara's friends ", he said, pointing at two blondes and a brunette. So Sara has friends. I gave them a fake smile.

He introduced me to them as his daughter.
"Esther, they are going to the club tonight. You must be bored with sitting at home all the time. Why don't you join them ", he asked or ordered.  Joining with Sara is not a good idea.

"No," I said blankly.
"Come on. We can have a girls night,", the brunette called.
"And we hadn't met Sara's sister before. So it will be fun", the blonde girl said. Fun? Are they planning something against me?

"Yeah, come with me, Esther,", Sara called. That was enough. If Sara wants something, the whole family will make it true.

Finally, after a lot of calling and ordering from Hulks, I said yes. It was boring here anyway. So let's have some fun outside.

I searched for a suitable dress for tonight.

This will be good. I chose one among them.

"I am out of town now. But this chain reminds me of you".

I got a message from Aaron. This man.

It was time. I went to meet girls at down.

"In which car are you coming?" Sara asked. She knows the car this family gave me is in the workshop.
"My car", I showed my new car. I booked it soon after my arrival. But now I am using this.

"Wow, amazing car", one of the blondes said.
Sars is not so happy to see my new car. I am not that poor, Sara.

"It must be costly. Did you pay all your money for this?" Sara asked.
"None of your business," I simply said and went to my car. Her friends dive into my car, leaving Sara there.
I said bye to a furious Sara.

We reached the club. It is not so filled.

"Did you invite Aaron? ", the girls asked.
" No. He is busy," she answered. Doesn't she know that he is out of town?

I saw a drunken Sara sitting on the lap of a stranger. Wow, she must be enjoying her freedom before marriage. But it is weird. Who am I kidding? Mr. Aaron hilster spent nights with me.

I was sipping my drink, but a guy came to me.
"Hey, beautiful ", he said.
"Let me buy you a drink ", he offered. I don't like the way he looks at me, so I rejected him.

" No. Thank you ", I said, and I began to walk away from him. But he grabbed my hand.

"It is not easy to walk away from me, girl", he said. His grip gets tight in my hand. I looked at Sara. She has an evil smile on her face. So this must be her plan.

"What are you thinking? ", he asked, coming closer to me. Past memories started to appear. I saw my childhood in front of me. A girl is crying for help.

"No! " With all my power, I hit him. I was hitting the man who was in my nightmare, but this guy got it. He stumbled and fell on the table.

"You!", he said, his nose was bleeding.

He called the police.

Now I am at the police station. The night didn't go well.

I have already told them. I don't want to join. Richard said, 'Have fun'. Now I am having fun in the police station.

"Heyy, young lady, why did you fight with Mr. Fedrick", the police asked.
"He tried to harass me. What I did was to defend myself", I answered. He shook his head in disapproval.
" What? So you are telling me I should let him do whatever he wants ", I asked.
"Young lady, you should call the police," he said.
"How can I call the police when he holds my hands ", I asked.
"This guy is influential. It is hard for you to get free", he said.

Will Richard help me? I thought. Sara disappeared last night. I haven't seen her anywhere.

I sat there for hours. The phone at the table rang. A police officer picked up the phone.

He said, "Okay, sir" .

"Madam, you can go", the officer said.
"I got bail", I asked him.
" No. Exactly, there is no complaint. He withdrew the complaint,", the police said.

Who saved me? Why he withdrew the petition.

I was walking out, but the police who asked me questions stood there. He came closer to me and said it in a low voice.

"Ms., please tell Mr. hilster that we treated you with respect ", the police said. It is him. I heard he has many connections, but now I see it.

"So he saved me", I asked him.
"Of course ", he said. I am not going to complain to him. The police were not so rude.

I felt strange to be saved by him. It was new.

I walked outside. The whole Fortis family was standing outside of the police station. Their faces were not good. Not all. Lucy and Sara have a smile.

"What did you do last night? ", it was Richard.
"What happened? She had a fight with a guy. Why do you always cause problems ", Eric asked.
"Why can't you behave properly?" It was from Elijah.
"She was never civilized," Eric said.

"Stop it. She must be tired." Sara came to me. These people don't try to help me. They are always good at blaming me.

"No sara. Look at this girl. She can't be here", Eric said.

Sara and Lucy were hiding their smiles. I was going to answer their questions but was stopped by a voice.

"Es... ",

I looked at him. How? Am I dreaming?

It was Wil. How is he here?

"Wil", I said, and I ran to hug him. He took me in his arms.

"You came", I asked.
"I missed you" , he said.

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