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Aaron's POV

I drove to my house. Esther was all over my mind. Is someone really there, or is she trying to trick me again?

I never thought that I would fall for a girl. I have seen many women, spend time with them and have one-night stands, but there was no connection with any of them.

I had no hope in love until Esther came to the picture.
Esther was different. I know she is a mystery, but I played along with her. My marriage with Sara was an agreement. We will be husband and wife only on paper.

I wanted Esther for the rest of my life, but all the love she showed me was fake. She was not interested in me. If I were not Sara's fiancé, she wouldn't even give me a second look. She wanted nothing other than revenge. I fall into her trap.

I was almost at my house, but I stopped my car. Is it true that someone tried to attack her? No, she must be playing with me. This will be another trick of her. What if it is true? There is no one in the house.

Why should I be worried? She was just a girl. I was just a weapon for her. I started the engine, but my hands moved. The steering circled. The car took a U-turn.

I drove toward her house. This was my problem. I can't get a hold of my emotions when it is about Esther.

I opened the front door. It was not closed. She was lying on the couch. I touched her face. She is beautiful. The most beautiful girl I have ever seen. 

There is a knife in her hand. I laughed at it. I lifted her in bridal style and walked to her room. I stayed in her room, looking at her sleeping position.

"Was it funny to make me a fool, Esther ", I asked at her sleeping body, stroking her chubby cheeks.
"Just for a boy." I remember that guy Sara introduced to us.

The darkness started decreasing. I went to my car. I was going to propose her but was scared that she might reject me.

Esthers POV

"What are you talking about, Esther? So marriage is an agreement. I have to take my phone away from my ear. Mia's voice is so loud through the phone.
"Yes, Mia,", I answered to her.
"What does that mean? ", she asked me.
"How do I know? I just heard it from their conversation ", I said to Mia.
"So they don't love each other ", she waited for my confirmation.
"I think so. I have never seen them having a moment or even talking. They just sit there. Sara tries to talk to him, but he stops with one or two words", I answered. That is what I have been seeing.

"Then he must be marrying her for his company, " Mia said.
" What? What does the company have with Sara? ", I was confused.
"The CEOs needs to get married. Otherwise, it will affect the company ", she told me.

"How? ", I asked her.
"Girl, haven't you heard that there is a woman behind every successful man? So if my assumption is not wrong, he chose Sara to be his wife. They were not lovers ", she explained.

"So what I did was all a waste", I asked her.
"Yeah", she laughed through the phone.
"You are laughing. Aaron is ready to kill me at anytime ", I said.
"Well, we can't blame him,", she pointed out.
"What? " I got mad. It was her idea.

"Yeah, if you think from his point of view, what did you do? You act like you like him and spend time with him, giving him hopes, but he finds it all fake. Technically, it is cheating ", she explained to me.
"Really ", I can't believe her.
"Yeah, he even saved you from the police station," Mia said. It was true.

"So I was the villain here", I asked her.
"I don't say that. Your situation led you to do this ", she said.
"I tried to apologize to him, but he was avoiding me," I said.
"Does that mean he likes you? ", she asked. My heart raced.
"I think it is more likely he thinks I fooled him. He fell on a trick. The top businessman falls into a young girl's trap. He may consider it as an insult ", I said.

"Now he is going to marry her", Mia asked.
"Yes", it pained me.
"If you explain everything to him, he might change his decision." She is giving me false hope.
"I don't think so ", I answered honestly.
"Just try, girl", she said, not stopping.
"Why are you so ready for this? ", I asked her.
"Because I have never seen you interested in any boys. This guy is the first ", she said.

"Well, leave it," I said as I closed the chapter.
"Okay, then what about Tommy? Why did he suddenly come?", she asked.
"He said it was because of me. He wanted to see me", I answered.
"So the first boyfriend is in the picture. Did spark fly?" Mia laughed.
"I didn't even recognize him", I answered.
"So you don't have feelings for him now ", she stated.
"No way. He came for my forgiveness", I agreed with her.

"That's good. Did you forgive him ", she asked me.
"I was thinking about it. He was young at that time. It was a mistake. He chose Sara over me. Comparing to what my family did to me, it is small,", I explained.
" Yeah. Then we can move on ", she said. That's true. I can forget this all.
"But doesn't he hate Sara?", she asked.
"No idea what is happening? If he hates her, then how will she invite him to the function ", I explained my worry.
"Maybe she wanted to show off in front of him. But don't believe this, Tommy. He may be changed or not, we can't take a risk", she warned me.
" Okk. I won't trust him", I assured.
"Hey, I have a function. Bye es. Take care", she said, saying goodbye bye.
"Bye Mia",

I hung up the call.

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