Chapter 3 | Shit Im Late

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Song recommendation-
2 Dumb kids- Levent Geiger
**The next day**
Coles POV


I groan at the all to familiar sound of my alarm. I slam my arm against the clock events form yesterday already forming in my mind.

Last night was a rough night. After thinking about jay that much in the afternoon without sleeping my mind couldn't drift off to sleep in the night either. It was 2am when I finally slept uneasily, the bulge in my pants which wasn't disappearing that night was finally gone now. The time was now 6am and I was dead tired. It wasn't just because of lack of sleep, I had gone with thirty minutes of sleep 4 hours was enough. This was something else.

Tired of life

I finally got out of the bed prepared for a boring day like every other day. Lately boredom had been consuming his soul like a virus making it hard to enjoy the things he once loved. For one, i didn't feel like bullying jay today and that was definitely something considering how much that one boy was on my mind. In less than five minutes I was ready and I glance over at my sleeping roommate, completely unfazed by the alarm, his blond hair spread on the pillow. Something about his face was familiar.

That's when realization hit me

He was the guy yesterday who walked in on him and jay. He seemed like a friend of jay I think considering how he rushed him to the infirmary that day. But I didn't think that was the guy from yesterday

The guy who thought I was jays sugar..

I didn't let the thought finish. I just walked away trying to distract myself. I was going to the room next door to wake Kai up, because knowing Kai, he's almost always late for school and that's because he oversleeps. I walk into the room because it wasn't locked, not caring to knock. It was my best friends dorm anyway.

I chuckle at the sight. Kai, sleeping like a baby snoring so loud. How does his roommate stand him?

Wait.. his roommate..

His head jerked to the bed beside Kai's. There on top was a laptop with a sticker who's name was all to familiar which made him growl.

Jay. Fucking. Walker.

"Why didn't I remember.. all this time Kai was talking about jay! I wasn't even listening.. and oh. My. Lord" my eyes were not ready for the next sight.

His best friends roommate which was the kid he bullies was in the shower..

And the door was half way open..

But halfway was enough for him to see EVERYTHING. I gulped as i felt myself getting hard. I froze at that moment. Jay was singing.. he had the most beautiful voice he had ever heard. And OH MY HOLY FUCKING GOD SPEAR ME MOTHER OF CAKE AHHHH

Jay bent down to get shampoo and there was his bare ass, on full display. Even jiggling a bit. I bit my lip so hard I could feel blood trickling out. I ignored it and captured the beauty.

Oh what I could do to that pale ass..

My cock tightened in my pants.

Sure I had seen porn many times and did enjoy it a little but this? This was something else... this could make his heart skip a beat and his cock ready to burst out.

Before I could think anything else I bolted out of the room not even caring to wake up sleeping beauty. He could be late for all I care. Now I have a hard ass dick to take care of.

Why jay? Whyyy!

Jays POV

I stepped out of the shower, towel around my lower parts and bare chest and torso exposed to the cold air made me shiver. I was feeling refreshed. Today was going to be different I can sense it! I looked over at my sleeping roommate, AKA his best friends crush. Damn, the boy had.. some taste. My eyes shift to the door and I raise a brow in confusion

Why the hell is the door open? I swear I closed it... must be my mind messing with me

As I went to close the door I hear a groan from the sleeping guy on the bed beside me. I walk over to him and he opens his eyes. He squints at first but then his eyes widen.

"Fuck! What time is it" he says sorta panicking.

6:42.. I say looking at the alarm clock right next to him that he didn't bother to use.

"Right.. my bad" he steps out and goes to the shower. I just shrug and put my clothes on.

After getting ready I go outside to be greeted by a tired Lloyd.

"Hey greenie" i smirk

"Why the smirk?" He also smirks

"Why not?" I say teasing him

"Oh be quiet it's to early for this" he says shaking me off while chuckling.

"Whaaatt could lloydie not sleep?" I pout

"Not really.. your boyfriend snores a lot" I roll my eyes at "your boyfriend"

"You wish! It's not gonna happen Lloyd.." I say shrugging

"Mhm" he says sarcastically. "Anyway.. you going to the party?" This was shocking. I had never once heard Lloyd talk about a party.

"What party?" I ask curiously

"Some party at Kai's house. He texted me about it last night-" I stopped him right there

"What did he asskkk!!" I smirked making him blush

"Welll" he fiddles with the hem of his shirt "he mightasorta asked if I wanted to.. go with him?" I squealed in joy for him and he squealed too.

"We'll are you going? You've never been to a party like that before.." that's when he sighed

"That's the thing.. I don't really know.. I want to go but there's like this voice telling me NO!! PEOPLE AND PARTIES ARE A NO! Can't trust them ya know?" I nod agreeing completely.

"Hey I'm with ya every step. Whether you go or not" I wink

"We'll that's the thing.. I'll only go if you go.." he says fiddling with his fingers. This gave me something to think about. Well it's not like I'm the type for parties either.. I was more of a person that would rather watch K-Dramas on Netflix than socialize like that. But this was the chance for his best friend to finally go to his crushes house and come out of his shell a little. And even he had to admit. He needed an escape.. and this party could help.

"Besides, Kai told me that he has a sister, so if things between you and cole don't work out" he smirks and winks I groan and laugh

"You won't change will you huh? Always tryna hook me up with guys and girls, how do you even know I'm bi?" I chuckled while saying this.

"You came out in fifth grade, and so did I" he says proudly for remembering this. I sigh and laugh knowing he won.

"Sooo will you come?" He pleaded with the puppy eyes nobody could resist

Fuck it

"Fiiineee" I gave in and he cheered doing his adorable little happy dance. I laughed while watching his cuteness.

I take a glance at my watch and gasp

"Lloydie!! It's already 7:15!! We're later than your husband now!" He pouted at husband

"Don't say it like that! But you're right we gotta go!" He took my hand and we quickly sprinted to class.


Little did we know that somebody else would be even later than Kai, jay and Lloyd. And that was the one who was confused as hell and taking care of a boner..

I'm. Exhausted. I didn't even feel like updating, nor double updating but i love you guys so much that I pushed myself.. you better be happy 😂 I'm kidding, but I do hope you enjoyed these chapters as a makeup for my updating lack.

Sending you love ❤️

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