Chapter 5 | The Locker Room

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There is a lot of POV switching. I apologize for that. Hopefully that doesn't cause any distractions while reading. Enjoy!

Song recommendation-
True love- Pink
Jays POV

I can't believe it. It's my first time getting detention ever in my whole entire life and it's because I'm late ONE time? I hate Mr. ChadMcBrad so, so, so much. And for putting me with Cole too?

Just my lucky day..

And just when I thought things couldn't get worse, it's raining and we normally eat lunch outside cuz inside is way to damn packed. Well, a little rain means nothing to us.

"JAY OVER HERE!!" Lloyd called out to me. I wave back at him and sit down at the table.

"It's raining like mad!!" I say shielding myself with the umbrella over the table

"Yeah, and you have detention too! Good luck walking to ur dorm after detention" Lloyd laughs

"YOU BITCH!! YOUR DRIVING ME HOME!! It is your fault I have detention with my bully!!"

"You mean your sugar daddy"

Before I can make another snappy response I hear a familiar voice

"Hello, May I sit with you guys?"

Coles POV

Detention? Sure who cares? With the most annoying person in the whole fucking world? Now we have a problem. The one person who I hate managed to give me an erection in less than 5 minutes..

What is going on with me??

I wanted to wreck jay. I wanted to wreck him in ways nobody can imagine. I want to ruin him. I want to get back at him for making me hard for him. For making me feel feelings I don't understand yet for him. At this point I didn't even know if I could face him. But if I don't bully him he'll get suspicious. I can't let him know. Wait is that?

Speak of the devil

There we has sitting there laughing with the one Kai goes crazy over I think his name was Floyd or something and is that? The smart kid from history? What's his name? Lane, Kane, Zane? I dunno but that dork has more friends? I thought he just hangs around floyd. Whatever, I'll MAKE him pay for this.

"Yo Cole!!" Kai waves his hand. I was about to walk over there but that's when a scene taht would only happen in Korean dramas happened.

As jay got up to get some more pudding, he trips over the rock right there and falls face first into the mud. The other tables start laughing as Floyd and whatever his name was help him up laughing themselves.


Jay was wearing a white shirt so it was stained. He tried to shake the mud off but it was stained there. Meaning he had ti take a shower because it was all over his towel too. That's when I had a genius idea. That's when rational thinking wasn't a word anymore and my horny ass was gonna take over. I smirk to myself

"This is gonna be fun"

3rd POV

"Ok today is cursed! I'm pretty sure I looked like a tomato back there and everyone was laughing! My clothes got stained and I have to take a shower now! Not to mention I didn't get more pudding! Not fair!!" Jay cursed himself while washing the mud off his body quickly in the boys locker room.

Meanwhile outside a sneaky cake monster was lurking outside and he stole jays bag with his clothes in it and quickly hid when he realized jay was coming out of the shower with just a small towel around his waist.

"Fuck" Cole cursed feeling something forming in his pants

"Where the hell is my bag? I could've sworn it was right- YAHHH" As jay was searching for his bag he felt a strong force push him to the wall and pin his hands above his head. Before jay can look at the person he speaks.

"Well, if it isn't the idiot who fell in mud?" His deep voice spoke in jays ear sending chills down his spine. Before he could even see who it is he already knows it's his bully he hated.

"Wh-what do you want?" He stuttered feeling more scared now than normal as he is not even wearing  anything. He could see the desire in coles eyes as he scans his body over and over.

"Simple. I want you" he whispers before getting extremely close to jays ear "If you know what I mean"

"Stop it!! Why are you acting so weird now!!" Jay protests as he is beyond confused and flustered.

"You want to know what happened? Fine, it's the fact that this morning when I saw you in the shower you managed to give me an erection like no other. You made my life more confusing just today. And if you think I'm going to let you get away with that.." he growls and looks at the other with lust filled eyes.

"I-I what? You saw me in the shower?! YOU PERVERT!!" Jay tries to push him off of him but Cole is much stronger and he only tightens his grip.

"Listen here, I wasn't the one who left the door open I came to wake Kai up. Instead I got hard for YOU you shit. And now I want to ruin you. Fuck you jay, your body.." he scans the others upper half. His flat, perfect torso, his rosy pink buds to his chest. Shit everything about him now looked so desirable somehow. He couldn't even make it to the lower half he was already hard.

"I-I I didn't leave it open- OH SHIT!! I did!!" Jay realizes and tries to hide his flustered face as Cole is scanning him top to the bottom. The amount of uncomfortableness jay was feeling was unmatched. He needed to get out of there. Now.

"Everything that gets you bullied normally makes you look.. like a snack now.." Cole says hypnotized by the angelic body of the boy infront of him.

"I- uh- I- have to go- uh- that- way" he points to the door and runs out. Ofcourse he knew he wasn't wearing clothes so he would just wait in the closet until Cole leaves.

"Wait- your clo-" Cole points to the bag but jay had already left. He smirks

Just you wait jay, you won't get away with this. I will ruin you. Your image, your life, your sexy body, your everything. Just wait, I hate you, I hate you so much. You're gonna pay for this!! I'll make you pay!!!

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