Chapter 14| Mega Insane Duality

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So this is a chapter, with mega insane duality. This was the perfect name for this chapter as each POV has a new vibe so I didn't know what to call it. I wanted to show what everyone was doing. Some characters I feel were given too much of a cliffhanger or they just weren't given much perspective. and this is my filler. It's a very important chapter though. I'll list sensitive topics it contains below and when they start.

WARNING- Harm to others like abuse.. mentions of self-harm.

Colors- Halsey
•when it gets.. not so bright you'll know•
Control- Zoe Wees

3rd POV
It's been 30 minutes since jays been in the bathroom and at this point, Cole's little- okay not little problem has given up. Finally it felt like it was going down and Cole could finally breathe again.

But ofcourse Jay just had to open the door right then and there and it seems the moment or whatever they had was over and thrown away.

The mischievous look in his eyes was replaced with annoyance, awkwardness what looked like a glint of regret and something else Cole couldn't connect. However His hair and clothes remained tousled. All in all he looked the same outside but anyone could tell something was different on the inside.

Jay walked over keeping his distance from Cole on the couch and they sat. Cole was glad he had his shirt on now and a pillow covering his lower region, even if the heat died down a bit doesn't mean it's totally gone!

"So.. uhm.. what did you have for breakfast?" At that moment Cole regretted trying to make conversation seeing Jay poke his tongue inside his cheek and slowly avert his upset gaze to him.

Well I'll be damned

"Look, just don't even try to initiate anything," he lets out a breath "I-i guess I just got a little.."

"Caught in the moment?" The brunette nods

"Well just so you know, so did I" Cole replied not bothering to look at Jay.

And just like that, the next two hours past. Not a word was said. Just two guys on the polar opposite side of the couch just there, Both wore cold expressionless faces not daring to even make eye contact with one another.



How I love the rain..

Unlike us, rain and water has its own free form. It can be anything it wants to be, not a single care nor limit just.. utterly free. It's so beautiful how something so small can be so powerful.. someday I wish I could feel that free..

I took a spoonful of ramen admiring this place. It's my favorite ramen bar, especially coming here in the night. It was just so beautiful. But today, I wasn't alone and in peace. Today I had company, and this could just be life changing.

"Hey.." the redhead, also known as my "best friend". Truth is, I'm not so sure what we are after that night. All I know is today, we're here to talk about that.

"Hi.." I say giving her a small smile which she returns.

"I remember this place.." she says filled with awe at the ethereal beauty of the night.

"Yeah.." I inhale a sharp breath ready to start "Sky.. what even are we.."

Her features tense and she gave me the answer that I had

"I don't know..."

I take in a deep breath and say what needs to be said "Sky, I'm going to be honest. You're my best friend! My soulmate.. my partner in crime! I-I don't want 8 years to all fall down because of one night.. that would be dead foolish of me.. that night was a mistake. I think we should just- just forget that happened. We weren't thinking straight and I- just we were thinking of others I know it.."

She lets out a breath "Nya, I've been feeling the same.. you mean too much to me for me to let go. And I was honestly heartbroken after seeing your brother with Lloyd.." she gives me a sad smile and I encouraged her to go on

"So I guess I got mad, got drunk and took it out on us.. I'm really sorry.. I'm willing to go back to how it was.." I nod feeling the same way.

I'm caught off guard when Skyler bursts out laughing. I turn around only to bust out laughing too. There local and Zane were, at the same cafe flirting shamelessly!! I didn't even know Zane knew how to flirt!! Or that he took an interest in Pixal!!

"HEYYY LOVERBOY!!" Sky whistles and I blow air hearts at them. They both instantly turn red, hiding their faces. We chuckle finally knowing Zane's true power.

Suddenly I feel a smirk creep up on my face and I lean in close to Skylor.

"Well.. for us, future is for the future, whatever happens whether it be.." I wink "we'll take it from there. As of now? Welcome back partner in crime" she lets out a genuine laugh at my words

"Well, well Nya smith are you saying you would want that night to repeat" she pretends to gasp and got close and so did I.

We managed to be serious for 2 seconds before bursting into laughter

"You wishhh!! I totally forgot it!" I wipe tears from my eyes from the laughter

"Man I missed us.." she says smiling and so did I. I really missed our friendship. But then why.. just why did I feel the urge to have something more?

Lloyd POV
I did my best to suppress my laughter after locking that door. Holy shit Jay is going to kill me!! I found myself dying laughing walking aimlessly. And before I knew it, my laughter died down.

Where the hell am I?!

Suddenly I found myself in a corridor- well honestly it was more like a room without a door. With nothing but a single chair standing there.

I felt chills creeping up my spine. Just the vibe of this place is something I don't really like. Just as my feet step out the door a voice echoed across the room.


If I thought I was scared before I'm terrified, horrified now. The voice that I knew with all my soul, all my blood sweat and tears. And the voice that nobody knew I was beyond traumatized by.

"Where do you think you're going huh? To whore around?? Stupid slut.." the Lacey, deep voice enveloped the room and I feel a surge of pain as he grabs my wrists with full force, pressing on scars I failed to hide.

I scream seeing HIS face right there, at arms reach. I could feel my insides closing in as I take in what's going on.

He forcefully pushes me to the chair and I could feel his dirty hands on me.

"PLEASE- PLEASE NO!! DONT HURT ME- PLEASE NOT TODAY!! I SWEAR- I WAS A GOOD- TODAY!!" I scream feeling the everlasting pain of his fist meeting my face.

"NO YOU FUCKING WERENT!! SHUT THE HELL UP YOU STUPID WHORE!!" I close my eyes as the mental pain hurt way worse, the fact is those words were the truth

"I-I WAS GOODDD!! P-PLEASE TOMORROW!!"  More pain meets my entire body as I feel the tears stream down. I can feel pieces of my clothing being torn apart. I close my eyes, knowing that in the end, this was the truth I can't run away from

"Nobody can save you today, it's just me and YOU" he smirked one last time before all the pain hit me at once.

..comments here...
Moral of Lloyds story is never trust masks, you never know what someone else is hiding..

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