Chapter 6 | My Detention with Cole

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Jays POV
Cruel summer- Taylor Swift
Perfect- Ed sheeran

I shouldn't be thinking to much about this right? It's not like my worst enemy and kinda worst nightmare called me a snack. Great and now I was stuck in this damn closet with no clothes, a mere towel. Obviously I need clothes I feel so naked!

I felt so naked infront of Cole..

He..he called me a snack... fuck.. what will he do to me next?

Suddenly I felt my knees go numb, like they weren't supporting me anymore. I buckled to the floor in realization and an emotion I rarely feel for Cole


I held my knees to my chest and my mind took me back to all those times. The times where he hurt and confused me me mentally and physically words can't explain. But even then, I never felt so afraid as I did now. Sure sometimes he did appear in my nightmares and he did make my life worse in so many ways.. but this? I could feel it

He's going to ruin me in ways I can't imagine.

I was so confused. Confused and hell, I was scared. What would he do to me? To my body? WOULD he ruin me? God, what could happen to my life if I ever let that happen? He could ruin everything I've worked for!

And then I did something I didn't do in so long. I buried my face in my knees and sobbed uncontrollably, letting all the emotions that had been dying to come out for months.

Kai's POV
Something's up with Cole lately. He's so distant and distracted all the time. I wonder what could be on his mind.

As usual I was lost in my thoughts. That was until my roommate or greenies best friend, tripped over a clump of wood and fell face-fist in mud. And I must say that was enjoyable to watch for me and everyone. After that he ran into the locker room to wash up. But what I didn't expect was when Cole followed behind him. This attracted everyone's attention. Rumors floated around the room.

'Maybe he's dating his bully!'

'I bet someone's getting "help"'

'I wanna follow them! See what's happening!'

Goddamn what now?

With that I took off behind him curious to what's happening. I could feel everyone's eyes on me but at the moment I didn't care

I waited outside the locker room behind a box only to see jay, naked with a towel wrapped around his waist. He looked scared and he obviously didn't have clothes. But the only person who went in as well was...


Could it be? Maybe there is something other than bully and victim going in between the two. Soon enough Cole comes out of the locker room with jays bag.

That must have his clothes in it!! Coleeee!!! What's the guy supposed to do now?

Cole storms off and I see jay hiding in that closet. He closes the door and soon I hear sons coming from the room. That's when I knew Cole had crossed the line. Not with anyone but with my soon-to-be boyfriends best friend and my roommate. And I wasn't that inhuman to just watch.

I sprint to my locker and grab some extra clothes. I brought a grey shirt and black shorts. I was about to run back to where jay was but then I remembered.

His body size! He's so petite and thin.. almost like Lloyd.. he won't fit in these!

Well, shorties just gonna have to live with it then cuz this is all I got.

I ran back to the closet and barged the door open

"Shit, too dramatic.." I cursed myself as jays head quickly jolts up with a confused look on his face.

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