Chapter 19 | Sailing Ships

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Jays POV

After leaving Lloyd's room when he was finally asleep, I decided to check up on Kai. I mean the guy had stated nonsense half drunk and passed out. And as his savior, it was my DUTY to check up on him.

I smiled proudly, feeling good about helping two people, and making up with Nya. Wow I am on a roll-


I turned around only to be met with raven black hair, green streaks flying between. He had a small smirk on his face as he trotted toward me.

I flashed a smile. "Hey Morro!" His smirk grew a little

"You free later this week?"

"I guess so, why?" I raised a brow

"Well, that's cool. I'll stop by your house and we'll go out on Friday yeah?"

I blushed a little

"O-oh sure!! Are you asking me out?" My smile widened a little

"Well what else would I be doing? Kidnapping you?" I smacked his arm and he let out a chuckle

"Yeah, and clear your schedule, wouldn't want anything to get in the way" and with that, he walked off.

Did Morro just ask me out??

I blushed and looked down, making my way to the hospital. Now that I thought about it, Morro wasn't that bad, maybe those rumors were false.

The minute I opened the door, I was greeted with my smiling roommate who gave me a warm hug, which I returned.

"Thanks Jay, thanks for helping me but I can't thank you enough for helping my baby.. something I couldn't do." He smiles brighter than I'd ever seen him smile.

"Ofcourse Kai, that's what friends are for. And Lloyd knows, bros before hoes, something's only I can do." We chuckled knowingly and parted ways.

"Uhh hi Cole.."

"Oh hey Jay..!"

A silence shifted as I took a seat next to him

"Real crazy shit huh?" I laughed

"Yeah" he breathed out "Whenever greenflame fucks up, we're always picking the pieces huh Jay?"

"Yep. I'd say we're pretty good matchmakers, we saved their ship!!"

"That's not what matchmaker means Jay" he facepalmed while I rolled my eyes

"Whatever it's close enough!!"

The silence shifted once more, less awkward than before.

"Jay.. I wanted to say I'm actually sorry.. I don't really know why I picked on you so much. I-I guess I li.." he trailed off and I felt my heart rate speed up

"You what Cole..?"

"I- I nevermind, what I'm trying to say is I'm sorry.."

"It's not going to erase all the hurt you've caused me, but I guess I can accept it. I don't forgive you, but I can be.. okay with you." A ghost of a smile danced on my face

"Alright!! I mean, cool with you too Jay.." I laughed and patted his back, showing that I was about to leave

"Wait Jay!!"


"Well if we aren't enemies anymore, we should celebrate! As frenemies, I'll pick you up on Friday, we can.. go somewhere."

My smile brightened wide, feeling relieved that I didn't have any people I really wanted to kill anymore

"That'd be nice." I nodded and walked away, feeling good and relaxed for the first time in a while. Things were finally looking up. We had fixed greenflame, me and Cole somehow worked together and began to be more okay with eachother, me and Nya had restarted I was on a good basis with Kai and Morro was taking me out on Friday!

Wait a goddamn minute

"Well if we aren't enemies anymore, we should celebrate! As frenemies, I'll pick you up on Friday, we can.. go somewhere."

"Well, that's cool. I'll stop by your house and we'll go out on Friday yeah?"

Oh shit

Cole and Morro had both offered to take me out on Friday.. and now I had to choose, starting a relationship with Morro or rebuilding mine and Cole's?

And the minute the calmness had entered, it had disappeared.

Whyyy why!! Can't one thing go right?!

Sorry for the short chapter guys, I just got off of spring break and this just felt like the perfect place to stop for today haha. It's so hard updating but ninja never quit! I may or may not update today or tomorrow again, I guess we'll let destiny decide!! Peace out, losers (jk ily) 😘

I Hate That I Love You | A Ninjago Bruiseshipping FanficWhere stories live. Discover now