Chapter 9 | I'm madly in love with Jay Walker

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My head & my heart- Ava max
Night changes- One direction
Jays POV

What the hell was going on? I didn't even know anymore nor did I care. His lips on mine felt so right. At first I was so confused but soon I began to kiss back I had no idea why. That's when it began to get heated. His lips ran along my lips, nape, collarbone and exposed chest. I moaned loudly as he licked and sucked my neck.

"SHIT!!" I cursed as I pushed him away for air and we heavily breathed in perfect sync. That's when I realized what I just did.

"I-I-I.. I have to go.. shit.. it-it was a mistake th-this doesn't mean anything.. I.." I began to stutter and he chuckled and walked away

'What the fuck.."

I ran and looked all over the room for lloyd. Shit.. I need him now.. what's gotten into-

I laughed my ass out at the next sight even though my heart was paining from what just happened before. There were Lloyd and Kai putting in all the emotion from liking eachother in secret down on eachothers faces. They found a nice little corner to suck eachothers faces off. I laughed at first but that reminded me of my own situation. So I decided to go to the bar

After a few drinks I needed to get out of here. The music was too loud, the people are weird so I stumbled outside drunk completely. This wasn't my place and I was going to get back to my dorm like it or not. The kick drum pounds in my head and my vision felt weird. That's when I felt a strong force push me to the wall

"Cooooleeee...?" The man laughed and it didn't sound like Cole

"No baby, I'm not that ugly" he laughed some more I felt vision blurring and I realized this man wasn't Cole. He leaned into my ear and whispers

"But I do want a taste of you, damn you look so sexy in that top I could just fuck you nonstop" he smirks and I shudder. He begins to unzip his pants and I look around for help

"Heeeellppppp" I scream "HEELLLPPPP"

"Shhh nobody's going to save you or hear you, it's just you and me" he starts unbuttoning my blouse. That's when the alcohol began to kick in. It went black right there and I felt a pang go to my head.

Coles POV
As if I would really just leave. As soon as he left I turned around and kept my eye on him on the other side of the bar. He was taking way to many drinks and I didn't think he could handle that. I was about to advance over when I heard voices

"Mr. Black cropped blouse is looking damn fine. I want him so bad right now. He'll be under me begging for me"

I clenched my fists and decided to keep watch undercover until something happens. Soon I could feel me loosing myself to the music and I vibes quietly in a corner. Then I remembered why I was still here

'Shit.. where the hell is Jay??" I looked for the man but he wasn't seen either. Fearing the worst I ran and stumbled frantically everywhere. He came with Lloyd where the hell is he-

Oh.. lucky Kai..

I didn't even stop to look for him I already knew what was happening between the two. I ran in the bathroom, the rooms and everywhere. But from the window the scene unfolded before my eyes. Jays screams and cries for help echoed and the man began to unzip his pants. My eyes flamed at the sight and I ran outside.

When I did there was jay passed out on the floor and some blood was coming out if his head. That was my breaking point. I ran to the man and he turned around confused. I punched his face and he fell ti the floor



He groans in pain as I kicked, punched and hit him everywhere. I took out all my anger on him and soon the man began to pass out. I punched him more and more until I heard a scream.

"STOP!!" Nya yelled as Zane accompanied her outside. They ran to jay and tried to wake him up. I looked at his beautiful face

Why does he always get pain and torture?

Well most of it's from me.. shit I fucked up..

"WHAT DO YOU DO!!" Nya yelled at me as Zane ran inside ti get bandages

"I didn't do anything! This bitch molested him you slut!" I hissed back. She looked over at the passed out man and began to punch him some more as I ran over to jay

"Jay.. jay... please-p-please be ok.. I'm so sorry baby, I'm so, so sorry" tears began to pour out of my eyes and Nya ran beside me and caressed his face. I growled at her touch




Zane came in between and spoke "Both of you be quiet. He did not do anything to jay. Jay is completely fine, he passed out due to alcohol. You don't have to act like he is dead!" Nya sighs in relief and begins wrapping bandages around his head and I went to jay. I held his hand not caring about the surroundings anymore or my pride.

"I-I'm sorry.. I won't cause you harm again.. I will protect you from now on.. y-you don't deserve this pain" tears slipped from my eyes and Zane puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Take him to his dorm, I'm sure yours will be occupied as Kai and Lloyd must be there because the rooms here are not the best"

I shuddered at the thought of them having sex on MY bed


"I Can stay with him for the ni-"

"Shut up! I will stay with him" she rolled her eyes and showed the finger to me. I did the same to her and Zane said

"No nya, you must take care of Skylor, she's been a crying mess since she saw Lloyd and Kai making out" Zane informs and nya immediately nods as she runs inside.

'Curious.. nya and Skylor.. i see it'

"I-I know I barely know you.. and I don't say this often.. but thanks.." Zane nods and walks away.

I kneel down to jay once more and think about pressing a kiss to his lips but I remember what he said

"It was a mistake.."

"If he's not okay with this yet.. I'm not going to touch him until he says to.."

I nod to my self as I carry him bridal style to my car staring at his beautiful face. I couldn't give a dogs shit about the school or my pride or anything. I knew it from the moment i met him, I pretended to hate him because I wasn't going to accept that he made my heart dance in a way nobody could. I thought I was incapable of falling in Love, it wasn't real something only in fairytales... but I found somebody to love and protect and he made my life a fairytale. It wasn't because I saw his body and his ass, but his personality..I didn't care if I hated it or not but I knew one thing I needed to accept now..

I am madly in Love With Jay Walker..

I Hate That I Love You | A Ninjago Bruiseshipping FanficWhere stories live. Discover now