Chapter 12 | Snaps And Locks

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WTF- Sasha Alex Sloan
Treat you better- Shawn Mendez

Jays POV

"So-uh.. any-any ideas?" The cold aura didn't budge and nobody said a word.

Great, so now you're wondering probably about how I got here? Well nobody in the right mind would want to be here, I'd rather burn in a fire and my remains be eaten!!

But there I was, sitting in the table with Cole and Morro and damn what did I do so bad to deserve this?!

None of them said a word through the whole 1 hour in the library, they just sat there, morro's stare not leaving Cole, but cole didn't even look anywhere he just looked down.

The fuck is with these guys?

Suddenly something in me snapped. This project was important to me, maybe not for them but it was to me, and I wasn't going to let an opportunity like this go. I stood up my chair yanked backwards and both their attention turned to me. I raised my voice, starting to feel confident.

"Listen here, I'm not just going to let you guys sit here and stare at each other, you wanna stare? Leave this project!!"

"It's not like we can anyway, our future is on the line, some of us were forced to be here unlike you, bluebonnet" Morro scoffed and I felt my jaw clench as I grab the nearest pencil. I shove it up to his neck level, ready to flip his ass off.

"Exactly you CANT!! But not everyone was forced, so you are going to get your ass in this, and get to work, on the paper, you can eye fuck Cole all you want later, but now if your attention is not on the paper," my grip on the pencil tightened and I could see Cole's eyes widen, not quite the emotion behind it.

"Wait and see what happens"

Morro stared at first and smirked and started me all over. I then realized I was WAY to close to a part of him I shouldn't be.

I quickly backed away, but not before I felt it poke me a bit. I couldn't help the disgusted scowl escaping my lips.

I expected him to yell, even fight back but instead..

"Whatever you say" followed by a wink. I roll my eyes and look over at Cole. I see his jay clench and his eyes rolling, I cleared my throat to get his attention.

"Hey that applies to you to, you better not slack on this got it?" I pointed a finger at him, ready to revive a slap or a punch but instead I saw him nod his head obediently and maybe even a little scared? Flustered? All I know was his cheeks were a little pink..

"Now that that's settled, let's meet tomorrow at sunshine sips, we can get some boba and start working." They nod silently and I can't help but feel a little proud.

I grab my notebook, phone, and keys and head out. Cole does the same as I'm already out the door.

That's how you mange emo animals!! Go meee!

I began to text Lloyd that I was on my way but I feel someone tap my shoulder.


I gasp to see Morro so close to me. I move my eyes away and his smirk returned. He leaned close to my ear and I felt his hot breath against me.

"You're very sexy when you yell"

I bit my lip as this was not the reaction I was expecting. When I felt him linger for too long, I quickly pushed him away feeling flustered and weird, not in a good way.

"Excuse me, I have somewhere to be.."

I still could hear his chuckles from my open window as I scoffed annoyed

What a weirdo..
Coles POV
I gritted my teeth after seeing the scene in the parking lot. The fuck does he want?!

I don't like the way he looks at Jay.. he's not an object for you to stare at him like a brand new toy off the shelf.

I had to control myself to not approach him, because I would be the one who gets super angry and in the end, I'm hurt.

As soon as Morro left the premises, I made the run for it. I quickly ran to my car and started it. I had to make sure where Morro was going, wasn't where Jay was, when it came to these things, Morro truely had no limit.

The second I saw Morro enter his house from a nearby neighborhood, I sighed in relief, but not before I saw Morro take a glance at me. From then, I froze.

I quickly ducked behind the car, hoping he didn't see me, or at least not recognize me.

Then as the door closed, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Now it was just me, my car and the young night.

The minute I entered the dorm, i couldn't miss Lloyd and Jay's matching duck onesies and video game session on the couch, the all time favorite, Prime Empire.

Their laughter echoed the dorm as I did my hardest to fight back a smile.

I approached the couch and Lloyd tuned around. Seeing me, he paused the game and flashed a small smile. But judging by the way he looked at Jay, he was expecting me.

"Oh Jay, Kai just texted me, I gotta bolt" he said scratching the back of his neck with a big smile.

Jay sighed "Whatever happened to bros before hoessss??"

"Sorry Jay this is a big deal" he tried to stop his laughter looking at jays face.

"What happened to the world, Lloyd chooses fucking over prime empire, oh well, I pray for your back" jay lets out a chuckle with a smirk

"It-it's not like that!! Just- bye jayyyy!!" He blows him air kisses, but as he was leaving I couldn't miss his smirk and the words he whispered under his breath

"No Jay, I pray for YOUR back" he laughs to himself shutting the door. I shrugged it off and advanced over to Jay but what we both didn't hear was the click of the door lock.

"Mind if I join?" I ask sheepishly attempting for peace

Jay gasps surprised by my arrival "I-i don't feel like playing.." I sigh putting down the console.

Stupid me, who plays video games with their bully??

Jay attempts to open the door but it wouldn't budge.

"Uhhh Cole? I think something is wrong with your door.."

I raised a brow and I also tried to open the door but boy was Jay right, it wouldn't budge. I search for my keys but they are no where to be found either.


The realization began to hit me and Jay at the same time as we made eye contact, both in shock

I'm locked in my dorm with Jay!!

Thoughts? Comments? Anything is welcome, I've said everything in the announcement, and here ladies and gentlemen and nonspecific creatures, here is your dose, hope you guys enjoyed!! Expect more this week, I'm back baby!!

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