Chapter 7 | The flying Rumors

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Hate that I love you- Rihanna

3rd POV

They stayed in that position for a matter if 2 seconds, looking into eachothers soul as if their eyes were saying what they couldn't. They stayed like that until Cole broke eye contact and pushed jay off of him.

They stand up and they brush their clothes off. They look away from eachother the cold gaze hiding everything. They then turned to eachither and Cole spoke

"Don't fall on me again, and use your damn eyes idiot" Cole pushed jay

"It's your fault for following me!!" Jay started to yell which made cole angry.

Cole yells back "Don't fucking be talking. I can follow whoever the hell i want." He pushes jay to the ground as jay grunts. Cole turned around and walked back to his car and drove off leaving jay on the floor wet from the rain.

Cole left the scene in anger but he felt very confused as to why everything that happened happened

"Why was I following him?"

"Must be because I thought he was someone else" he lied to himself rolling his eyes.

Meanwhile jay walked back to his dorm feeling angry but also grateful that Cole saved him. Something he didn't think he could feel for Cole. The fear he felt for Cole was buried deep in him and he only felt anger.

"Why even save me if your just gonna get angry and run off"

They didn't speak to eachother since the road incident and The next few days went by quickly for jay as he was focused on his studies but one can't say the same for Cole.

He tried to avoid Jay as he is confused and in denial about his own feelings. But that must've been by far one of the hardest things he could ever do. His heart and his cock couldn't have control. But he had to much pride to admit he felt something for his victim or to at least take care of himself. So for the next few days, he learned to avoid jay at all costs and how to deal with his cock when it practically saluted whenever jay walked by.

"This is absurd" Cole cursed as he was right behind jay for a line to get their exam results and his cock was springing outside his pants.

The avoidance caused many rumors to be taking place during the university. And around the same time that the party that the all to popular Kai Smith was throwing at his guest house. This party was expected to be the hottest party of the year because of so many reasons. The Drama that is forming around the time, to the places, to the setup to everything. The students were expecting this party to top the year off.

"Something happened between them! I heard they had sex and jay is pregnant!"

"I heard Cole and jay are gonna be at the hot party tonight! God they're gonna bring all sorts of drama!"

"Hottest couple of Ninjago university, and not just in sophomore year! Seniors are aware of the drama!"

"I ship it!"

"I ship it!"

"I ship it!"

And this did make Jay and Cole very popular. Because not only were they the hottest couple but indeed they both were going to be at the party in the night. And things were going to go very, very wrong. Everyone could sense it.

Jays POV
"Sooooo jay, tonight is the party!" Lloyd clapped his hands like a baby

"Yep, but I'm surprised your exited for this! Your usually not bothered by parties!" I admit

"I want to give it a try see what the hype is you know?" He smirks

"Riiighhht or it's just because it's at your husbands house and your exited" his smirk gets wiped off his face

"Shut up- Your sugar daddy is going to be there too!" He winked

"Ugh I forgot about that dickhead and he's not my sugar daddy for the last time!" I whined "Maybe I shouldn't go, I don't even want to be in the same room as him!"

Lloyd smacked the back of my head "You're going! I can't go alone!!"

"Ok, ok fine only because I don't want you to die, I know your alcohol tolerance is very low" I rolled my eyes laughing.

"Shhh! We don't need to expose me!" He winks and we begin to walk off.

"Hey jay!" I hear my name come out of a bubbly girls mouth" I turn around and smile to my classmate

"Hi nya!" I say cheerily and Lloyd wiggles his eyebrows in a corner, smirking

"So.." she looks down and fiddles with her fingers "Will i be seeing you at our guest house tonight?" She says

"I've decided to come so yes I'll be there" I nod

"Perfect!! I-i Guess I'll see you..!" She leaves smiling and I smile back

"Lloyd? You psycho where the hell are you?"

"Here! So my best friend has a sugar daddy and a wife huh?" He smirks

"Yah! It's not like thaaat! She's just my friend and he's my worse enemy, god you've been reading to many fanfics!" I sigh in annoyance

"Yeah, yeah sureeee" his smirk grows

"I'm going to the restroom see you in class bitch" I roll my eyes and leave before he Can make another comment

Coles POV
I was washing my hands before the demon walked in. I stopped washing my hands and turned around to see him. He looked down and speed walked toward the stalls. Before he can go in, without thinking I call out his name

"Jay!" He stops and turns around annoyance and a slight bit of fear shown on his face

"What" he sighs

I raise a brow. "You gonna be at the party?" I say walking closer to him and he backs away. I walk closer and closer and bam

He's cornered up against the wall, my hands are on both sides of his head and I'm smirking. This, this is our pose we always somehow end up in,

"Y-yeah.. what's in it to you" he looks straight into my eyes unafraid

I put a finger on his chin "Nothing, now I know I have something exiting at that party" I smirk not knowing what's gotten into me. A few minutes ago I wouldn't dare to get near him for my own feelings. But it feels like a release now, even if it's not the kind of release I was secretly hoping for. I didn't know what I was doing nor did I have a plan. I wasn't even in the right state of mind now. Just controlled, controlled by him. Damn it, he's hypnotic.

He doesn't respond, his expression is unreadable. I click my tongue and move farther from him. Just as I'm about to leave I turn around

"Let's make history jay" with that I winked and walked off.

I'm cringing so harddddd 😫 sorry this chapter was kinda boring I wasn't ready to write the one about Kai's party yet but I needed to write so this filler chapter kinda happened. Adios amigos 😉

I Hate That I Love You | A Ninjago Bruiseshipping FanficWhere stories live. Discover now