Chapter 4 | This is Not Right

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Song recommendation-
Bad at Love- Halsey
Lloyds POV

Me and jay pushed through the crowd like there was no tomorrow. If there was one thing more than tyrants and annoying bitches that we hated was being late. Who doesn't anyway? It's decency, like what would everyone else say? And the attention you get when you walk through the door? Not a chance-


I turn around to see jay who was rubbing his head from running into the pillar

"SORRY JAYYY!" I say trying not to laugh. Before I can turn around I'm pinned to the wall by..

Oh shit.. Kai. Keep it chill Lloyd, keep it cool.

"Hey greenie" he whispers his our eyes not leaving the other.

"H-hi" I say turning away so he doesn't see my blush.

"Nope, I wanna see your pretty face" he turns my head by the chin and laughs. "You're adorable you know?" He presses a kiss to my forehead and leaves to class.

What the hell just happened? I touch the spot he kissed and at this point my face is a tomato. How did nobody notice what just happened? I guess this is Normal then..

Wait shit!! Jay!

I scan the room for him only to see Zane helping him up. I don't really know him except that he's a class topper. I take a glance at my watch and within the next 5 seconds I was in the class.


"Sorry jay.."

Jays POV
That stinking backstabbing bitch!! He just had to leave me hanging! Look at me, I'm in the middle of the floor and I've hallen and CANT get up!! LITERALLY!! People are just walking around me, almost stepping on me!! I crashed into the pillar because he wasn't looking! He's gonna pay for this when I'm through with it I swear! Just cuz he's my best friend he thinks he can.. ugh!!

"Jay? Are you alright?" I hear a calm voice ask me in the background. Only to realize that voice belongs to Zane Julien.

"Y-yeah, thanks.." I say as he offers a hand to get me off the ground. "I'm Zane, do you have any pain in your body?"

"No thanks for helping though.." he nods and walks off. Huh it's not everyday you see a nice person at this school.




I sprinted to the class cursing the fact it's math. The one time I'm late it has to be with the strict teacher!! When I finally made it to the class all eyes were on me

Could this day get any worse?

"Mr.Walker, care to explain?"

"Sir, I'm sorry, I ran into an incident.. please excuse-"

He raises a hand to shush me "I don't want to hear it. I don't care if it's your first time late or your sixtey ninth time late!!" The class chuckled at 69. What are they 12?

"DETENTION!" He raised his voice and I flinch. Lloyd mouthed me a sorry from his seat and I gave him a soft smile. After all how could I be mad at him forever? I held my head low and walked to a seat beside Nya. Wow, Lloyd was right! She's really pretty how have I not noticed her? I shrugged that thought off for later and I look to the front to see the culprit that apologized talking to Kai.

Mr. Romeo just had to leave me hanging huh?

I rolled my eyes cursing at my self for being the last one. Or that was what I thought until I heard the door open not so long later.

Coles pov
I rushed into the class. For once I cared about being late because it was somewhat distracting me from the tent in my pants which wouldn't disappear. Am I the asshole for not wanting to touch myself because of jay? I gagged at the thought and cursed at my very visibly hard cock. I barged the door open trying to keep my legs together as my stupid dick was practically yelling to be unleashed form the jeans. A few students started whispering and talking eyes on the bulge, but that all stopped when a yell was heard.

"MR BROOKSTONE!! Glad you finally decided to join us!! Your late AGAIN!! How many times? You will be joining Mr. Walker in detention today after school! BE SEATED!!" He yells and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at the middle aged man who resumed teaching stuff we won't use.

Jay gave me a glare before turning back to his work. How can that motherfucker be glaring after what he did to me? I should be glaring!! I took a seat next to Kai and he pointed to my bulge. I mouthed an I don't know and I took off my jacket to cover it. Now I have to face detention with that fucker. Great, just great.

**after class**

Jays POV

"HE KISSED ME ON THE FOREHEAD!!" Lloyd continues his encounter with Kai. I'm only partly listening. And I know I should be happy for my best friends crush encounter but I'm more worried about detention with my bully. How wrong would that go? This is like the only collage ever that still gives detentions. Fate has it in for me..

"Jay? Jay? Ninjago to jay!!" I get snapped out of my thoughts "Sorry Lloyd, I'm just.. distracted.."

"Ooo about detention with your sugar daddy huh?" He smirks "have fun with that!"

"He's not my sugar daddy! He's my bully and he's not going to make it easy for me.. and here he comes oh and there he goes?" I notice Cole exit the class but he sees me and walks right pass me.. I'm glad but he never misses a chance to bully me.. oh well maybe he's just distracted too? I don't know that kid has issues..

"Oh wow!! Enemies to loverrrrss!! It's just like the fanfics I used to read!!" I roll my eyes "this isn't your stupid fanfics Lloyd, it's reality. It's just enemies. No damn lovers. Anyway let's not waste anymore time talking about him. Cmon I can't be late again" he finally drops it and we begin to walk to class.

Enemies to lovers... as if!!


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