Chapter 13 | Stuck with you?!?!

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Stuck with you- Ariana grande and Justin Bieber
Still with you- Jungkook
WARNING- HEATED Making out, a very cringe daddy kink, but this is Wattpad you guys should be used to this shit.

I dare you not to cringe once during this, .0000001% succeed 😬

Coles POV
We both shared the same look of horror on our face as the truth hit us.

We're stuck with each other?! Locked?! In the SAME ROOM?!

Fuck.. this isn't gonna go well

It's just me and him.. the door is locked and there's nothing we can do!!

Thoughts were rushing through my head just looking at him and I could tell he was thinking the same.

After a while of staring, Jay walked over to the couch and plopped right down. He started panic texting Lloyd and I just stood there. Hey atleast it's my dorm..?

After many eye rolls later from Jay, he decided to lean down and grab the console behind the couch.

"If I'm stuck here, it's gonna be with video games"

And the minute he bent down in those shorts, I wanted to disappear feeling the problem frowning down there

Baby, fuck noooo!!

God I'd rather be anywhere else.. for so many reasons

"I-I'm gonna shower-" I managed to gasp out and I sprinted to the restroom

I didn't even see his face before letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding. What the hell was up with me?! I stuttered?! So what if he bends over?! It's not that big.. right?!

I need a shower..

Jays POV

The fuck is up with him? Whatever, not my problem I guess..

I walked back to the couch and started to play. But boy, I couldn't even focus on the game, the thoughts kept running through my head!! Holy shit this is frustrating!!

I'm stuck with Cole!!

He's showering!!

Is there something I can do?!

I'm going crazy

When I couldn't bare it, I hit pause on the game and rushed to the door. I fumbled with the lock as much as possible. I tried to unlock it, tried Bobby pins, nothing was working!!


I sat my ass on the chair and thought about what to do until Cole came out of the shower. Everything was fine until I saw that he was missing clothing

Fuck my life

There he was, ruffling his wet hair, in his towel around his waist, dipping low, V-line visible, leaving the rest to imagine. He went to the cabinet and pulled some beer out. He poured himself a glass and offered some to me

"M'good.." i refused, I wasn't going to give him a reason to bully me, which was my low alcohol tolerance.

He shrugged and walked to the couch. I gulped at the tension you could cut through with a knife.

"So- uhm what happened- uhm what happened to your shirt?" I asked avoiding eye contact completely. Regardless I could still feel him trying to hide his smirk. He walked closer to me.



And closer

Before I knew it, he was less than 2 feet away from me with a sly smirk across his face

"Nothing, why does it bother you" Something about the way he said it sent adrenaline and chills to my body.


"Glad to hear" He says slyly walking away to get another glass, but before he can drink it I run over and take the glass from him.

So brookstone, this is how we're playing?

Without warning I raised the jar to my mouth and the bitter taste seared through my throat. I had on a smirk I didn't even know I could make. Some of the alcohol drips down my throat and I could see Cole biting his lip.

I slammed the glass down, never leaving eye contact. That tension that was there? Kiss it goodbye, this is a new kind of tension, and it's called sexual tension.

After drinking a whole glass of beer, I could feel my senses begin to shift. I began to give in to the temptation I was trying to avoid. At the moment through? Fuck that shit, this game is ON

3rd POV

Cole advances closer to Jay, backing him up against the counter, their eye contact remains, their distance only decreases. The ravenette leaned toward him, but swerved to his right and grabbed another glass, gulping it down.

On the last sip, the alcohol remains in his mouth. Jay licks his lips and he can feel Cole's lips meet his own.

Their lips moved in sync and the beer began going down their throats. Some of it, flowing from their mouths and down their necks. The kiss only got sloppier and somehow they only got closer, if that was possible.

Jays hands make their way to Cole's hair, entangled in the luscious locks. Meanwhile Cole's hands find their way to jays ass and the hot make out session continued.

As soon as there was no more oxygen, they gasped for air, only to have their lips collide again. Like this was the desire, the desperate what they were both trying to avoid.

Soon enough the brunette wrapped his legs around the older so immersed not even giving a damn about what was next.

Next thing they knew they were on the couch, Jay now straddling Cole and they are gasping for oxygen. Jay is just about drunk, and Cole is almost drunk as well.

Jay pokes his tongue against his cheek with a drunken smile knowing what control he had over Cole in this position. Without warning, Jay started to shuffle a little. Not breaking the intense eye contact between the two, Jay makes sinful moves against Cole's dick which was practically stabbing him.

"Mmmm fuckkk- baby.." the ravenette throws his head back feeling the overwhelming pleasure coming from the most beautiful person on earth.

"You like that huh?" Jay goes faster, somehow knowing exactly where Cole's nerves were. After he felt Cole was harder than hard could get, and the Moans got loud enough, he suddenly stopped.

Cole groaned in pain as he felt the amazing feeling leave.

"F-fuck Jay.. you- come back PLEASEEE!!" He whined, his dick throbbing.

"Mmm.. give me a reason, pretty boy." Jay winked totally lost in the alcohol and the vibe.

"I-I swear I won't let you leave- fuck Jay.. I'm gonna get blue balls!! Get your ass back here!!"

"What are you gonna do, DADDY" Jay licks his lips while ruffling through his hair.

At these words, Cole groaned as loud as he ever did. God, if his dick wasn't standing before, it was saluting Jay practically.

Who was this god taking control of Jay?!

"That's what I thought, give me a good reason to come back, or best believe I won't DADDY, you can't have it all" Jay blows a kiss and swans off to the bathroom, leaving Cole in a puddle of problems, practically crying from the pain in his lower region.

The control Jay had over him was insane. He never thought he'd basically be controlled by someone like Jay, and now here he was begging the younger to come back and play with him, and he didn't even know he had a daddy kink?!

What the fuck was with him?!

Pleaseeeer come back jayyyy

Yall no matter how much Wattpad you read the daddy kink will always be cringy!! But it just wouldn't be Wattpad without! Tell me how you guys liked it, it was my first time writing something like this, but I've had some Inspiration, but just let me know how it was, I know it's bad but it happened I guess 💀!! See you lovelies soon 😘!!

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