Chapter 15| Late night leaves

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Let you down- NF
Lloyd POV
After what seemed like a lifetime of.. the things I can't escape, I finally managed to limp my way to my dorm.






That's just about what I feel right now just way more. Each and everyday it gets harder and harder to hide this but what other choice do I have? I need to put on a mask and hide my pain so I can help others rather than just be so selfish all the time!! To protect others..

I drag my feet across the floor just wondering what the point was. It was just about 1am in the night and I just had to unlock in my dorm and hope that Cole and Jay slept, despite both their troubles with sleeping

Why can't one day in my life just go right?!

I open my door to see Cole sleeping on one side of the couch and Jay on the other. They were nowhere near each other, but they looked so.. peaceful..

Something about that made me smile even if I was in disastrous pain inside and out, seeing them in peace makes me feel good.

Well yeah you monster you locked them here, they're better off without you..

My smile disappears and I drag myself in the room to get myself together. I pull out my phone to see a million messages from Kai,



Great just what I needed..
Coles POV
I felt the light slowly start to get in my eyes as I feel them open completely. I looked around seeing it is indeed my apartment. But instead of Lloyd being in his room, Jay was right across from me sleeping peacefully on the couch.

When did we drift off!?

What time is it?

Is the door unlocked?!

I quickly grab my phone and gasp at the time



Well the door is unlocked but it's not like I could just wake Jay up and push him out, although I think he'd run out the moment I said the door was open.

It's something my old self would do.. now I'm different.. I began to care about someone.. well someone other than him..

I let my thoughts begin to confuse and take over me. Suddenly I just couldn't take it anymore. I jolted up, grabbed my AirPods and phone and keys. If these "late night walks" could help me be at ease then damn right i'll take that!

Before I knew it I find myself being calm, engulfed in the beauty of the lateee night. The sun didn't rise until 7:30 so I had time. I never had realized how nice it was to be here, just you, the music and the night.

That is I thought it was just me the music and the night until i crossed paths with the last person I wanted to see



What a way to ruin the night!!

We stared at each other for a flat out what felt like infinity. Our Jaws clenched, fists tight and gaze sharp. It's funny, what 4 years can do to you..

"The hell are you doing at 4:30am" he scoffs at my dumb question.

"Oh I'm riding my pink fluffy unicorn and it started dancing on rainbows, the fuck do you think genius"

I roll my eyes. Different looks, but deep down, his sassy remarks and sarcasm was still there. I scoffed out a half smile, more of a smirk, amused by how he's so different yet the same.

"What are you looking at, brook stone?" I shrugged in response as he mumbles under his breath.

"Don't know why Ive Been using an ounce of energy to talk to you, so goodbye sir, see you NEVER" I walked away straight up pissed and I could tell he was too based on my remark

"Hey cocksucker!" Morro yelled

"What do you want dickhead"

"Where's your filthy roommate?" The disbelief was starting to show on my face.

"Look dude he's your cousin how am I supposed to know? Can I leave now or you got more to tell me about how im a horrible person!?" I began to walk away from him but stopped in my tracks when I heard what he said next

"Mmm okay where's Jay?" I grit my teeth and run up to him fully angered. I grabbed the collar of his shirt getting close to him.

"Keep your dirty fucking dick to yourself bitch, and stay away from Jay!!" He rolled his eyes pushing me.

"Stay in your limits, it's not like he's your boyfriend or anything," I poked my tongue in my cheek, watching him leave casually.

Why do I get so riled up over him..

I immediately turned around to go back home, my whole vibe feeling crushed.

Back to my life now..

Double update because I love you guys!! It's short I know but it's all I could get for tonight, are you guys liking it so far? I wasn't kidding when I said it'd be getting a bit.. dark. See you soon angels, or devils whatever Wattpad made you!!

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