Chapter 22 | One hell of a night

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Jays POV

Not a beat skipped before I felt his lips on mine. The gross feeling and mood I was in before forgotten at the moment and all I could think about what the feel of his lips on mine.

It's so.. perfect

We moved in sync not missing a beat. After what felt like eternity to me, we pulled away, breathing heavily from our long kiss.

This wasn't like the first time we kissed. No, this was more pure and well- deep. Like the world behind us was toned out and it was just me, and him.

Just me and Cole

"I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have kissed you like that.. especially after what happened. I-I totally understand if you wanna leave!! Gosh I'm such an idiot-" I pulled him closer by the drawstrings of his hoodie and cut him off with another kiss. He was shocked at first but then went along with me.

We held eachother in our arms for a bit, experiencing this unfamiliar emotion between us for just a little bit. As soon as we both pulled away, he whispered to me

"I'm sorry if this hurts you.."

"I-I'm fine.. you're not hurting me in any way." I gave him a reassuring smile to which he returned.

"After tonight.."

"We go back to hating eachother." We both finished, but something in his eyes looked like he was trying to convince himself rather than me. I quickly dismissed it, calling whatever we had not even close to "love"

Fuck no

We had just become on the brink of friends- that are supposed to hate eachother- but have also made out one too many times. Just because we were "friends" now doesn't mean our whole history could be erased just like that. He was the person I least liked in this world, and the least safe person to be around.

But then why do I feel the most at home in his embrace than in anyone's ever?

I sighed out. Must be a perk of frenemies..

It was at that moment, I had felt the icky feeling crawl up to me. The icky feeling of what Morro had almost done to me, and it made me want to throw up. To rid of this discomfort in my body. But instead of throwing up, I simply pulled Cole closer to me and kissed him nonstop, and harder.

His lips responded to mine, deeply confused but going with it. My fingers tangled in his hair as our tongues danced with eachother. I needed more. It was all I could do to wipe away the sins I'm drenched in.

Before it can escalate any further, Cole pushes me off, utterly confused.

"Jay, are you okay? Talk to me, what's going on?"

"I'm fine!! Now let's continue please.." I pleaded and he raised a brow.

"Jay you're not yourself right now, just think. You're a virgin, do you really want to loose it to.. a guy like me? And you don't really want me, you're just feeling.. complex emotions!" He smiled, but for some reason, it seemed like a sad smile. Like the kind of smile you'd wear when your love is happy, just not with you.

I slumped in my seat, thinking about what I had just done and about Cole's words.

What am I feeling?

My thoughts were interrupted with the ring of Cole's phone. I jumped, at the sudden ring and when he didn't pick up I grew confused.

"Cole, you should pick up your phone."

"It's not important right now."

I looked down at the dial number and gasped when it was from the city hospital. And he noticed it as well. Seeing this, his eyes went wide as he scrambled to pick the call.

"Hello?" A beat of silence of his end passed before he jumped up and shouted

"WHAT?! Now??" He quickly put on shoes and grabbed his keys "I'll be there shortly." Before he could pull the door open and bolt out, I grabbed his hand, spinning him around.

"Cole, what the hell is going on?!" His breathing panicked

"He's awake.. after 3 long years, he's awake.."

Coles POV

"Who? Who's awake Cole? You're scaring me.." I clicked my tongue in anticipation and all the emotions crashed on me at once.

"Jay, I swear to god stop asking questions! We don't have time, I have to go, but I can't leave you alone either. I'll try to explain later, just- do what I tell you!" I could tell he was fighting the urge to bite back, as he nodded in reluctant obedience and followed me out.

That's when it hit me

If back then both me and Morro listed our names to be called if he woke up..


I didn't have time to think before I dialed his number. He picked up immediately and I could tell he was also driving in panic

"Did you get the call too?!"

"Yes, I'm on my way." I took a tense breath when I felt Jay freeze at Morro's voice "And I'm bring Jay with me, I can't leave him alone. And I fucking swear to god Morro, if you so much as speak to him, I will cut off every limb in your body, so watch your damn mouth, words and actions."

A beat of silence past before he muttered an okay and hung up. I looked at Jay, whose gaze was focused on the violent rain pouring on the highway, before pressing my foot full force on the accelerator, to the hospital.

I couldn't believe it

After 3 years, he- he was finally awake.. 3 damn years

Today was one hell of a night

I swear this time I actually have a good excuse for not uploading in the past 4 weeks. Other than my finals and tests and all that, I was having a major writers block. As in I had zero idea on where to pick up after that, and I feel like now that we're at that climax of the story, all the big events are gonna go down before the book ends. So yes it took me a month to think of this, blame writers block, so sorry guys!! That means we only have a few more chapters until I Hate That I Love You is over. Time flies...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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