Chapter 10 | Hangovers and confusion

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Beautiful mistakes- Maroon 5
My heart stereo- Gym Class Heroes
Jay's POV

"Mmh" I groaned feeling sunlight glisten on my skin

I pull my pillow closer for warmth and I feel a giant wave of pain through my head. I shot uo from the bed seeing that I was in my own room (Thank god) and a hot towel fell from my head, red markings across the white.

Soon after opening my eyes I realized that the pillow I pulled closer wasn't a pillow at all

"A man?! What the hell is a man doing in MY BED- SHIT!!" I sigh in relief when I realize I'm still clothed but changed

"D-did he change me?" I try to identify the man but when I do I quickly turn the other way and facepalm in frustration

"NONONONO WHAT IS COLE BROOKSTONE DOING IN MY BED? Did he try to touch me? Shit shit shit!! I hate parties for this-"

"Nghh" I hear a grunt from him and quickly scoot away

"Why are you rambling to yourself" He still sounded half asleep but his eyes jolted open after I smacked him with a pillow

He looks at me for a second and he slightly smiles "Morning jay"


He yawns "Your head isn't broken, I took care of you last night" I frown and he raises an eyebrow

"Yo chill out all I did last night was take care of you MEDICALLY and we went to sleep!"

My glad increases "How can I trust you??" He shrugged

"Fine dont"

"Excuse me?"

"I said don't, but I know I helped you and that's what matters sooo"

He groans and stretches his arms out, making the covers fall. I realized he slept only with boxers so his perfect toned abs and V-line was exposed to my bare unprepared eyes.

"Hot damn" I try not to drool and I notice a smirk on his face. My face goes red and I bolt to the restroom his chuckles echoeing through my red ears.

Looking at myself in the mirror I try to remember what happened last night when it hits me like lightning

"Holy shit.. I made out with Cole!! I MADE OUT WITH MY BULLY"

3rd POV

Lloyd tried to limp out of his bed feeling pain in his lower body as he lets out a low groan of pain. He barely remembered what happened last time except for the fact that he got laid by Kai! He was so ecstatic that it happened but sad because he couldn't remember much of it. Just as he was exiting the bed, he felt warm arms grab him and pull him back to his comfortable position.

"Mhm Kaiii"

"Yes baby?" He lets out a mumble

"H-hurts" Lloyd pouted

"I got you baby"

Kai lifted the covers, trying to ignore the fact that they were fully naked and dirty, he began to press his thumbs across Lloyd's lower body and he lets out moans of relief as his pain starts to heal.

That's when someone knocked on the door. Lloyd quickly jumped out of the orders embrace and ran franctically looking for his boxers. When he found them he ran to the door

"Fuck- Hi jay" Lloyd flashed a weak smile. When jay saw he was half naked and Kai was in the bed stretching jay put on the biggest smirk he could muster and teased the shit out of him

"HAH someone got laid last night! Spill the tea Lloyd! You got laid! By THE KAIII, your crush!" Lloyd's face goes blood red as Kai's laughter filled the room.

"Oh fuck off jay"

"Maybe after Kai fucks you" Kai bursts into laughter once more as Lloyd hides his face

"Fuck you bothhh" he hides his laughter and embarrassment and shuts the door in jays face

"So where does that leave us" Kai lays back on the bed

"I-I don't know.. look I really like you, I do. I trust you too. It's just the thought of love.. I don't know I don't feel ready for it. But it's frustrating because I really do love you but I'm just- confused not for my feelings for you but just everything you know? God this probably sounds like bull-" Kai puts a hand on Lloyd's mouth and gives him a reassuring smile

"Listen, I know love is.. scary and new, but take your time. We don't really need to rush into anything just yet we can stay just friends for a bit and we'll take it from there yeah?"

With that they wrap their arms around eachother and stay like that peacefully and for once, they didn't count time

That day, none of them attended any classes because of the hangovers and pains from the night before. Jay and Cole are awkward with eachother and Lloyd and Kai are.. well who knows?

I just wanted to say, WOW ITS BEEN YEARS!! I'm kidding it's been a few months but it felt that way to me! I really missed you guys and I haven't stopped thinking about you all during my hiatus. If I'm being honest this chapter was a filler because I kept you hanging for so long but at the same time my mind was empty for what to do next. So I'll think of something tonight and maybe update tomorrow or day after. I promise this book is just getting good and You guys can expect updates every other day or so because I'm trying to find myself again and get into this whole time management thing because it's not fair to you guys. TIME IS OUR ENEMY!! But anyway, no matter how much time you all stuck by me and it means the world to me. You guys are all I could ever ask for!! Love you guys so much ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

PS- So Greenflame is sailing, how about bruise? And what's in store for pheonixshipping?

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