Chapter 8 | The Party

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How to be a heart breaker- Marina and the diamonds
No lie- Sean Paul, Dua lipa
Jay's POV


That was me screaming at the top of my lungs like a teenage girl because they had nothing to wear for a party. What? I've never been to one before. Like EVER in my whole life. Currently I was in the dorm alone because Kai and Nya were at their guest house early because it's their party

And that was surprising because Kai and early? Two words that DONT go well with eachother.

At that moment Lloyd, my savior barged into the dorm

"HOLY- you scared what's left of my soul off!!!" I side eye him not looking at him. When I do my jay drops in awe

There he was my introverted, so called innocent friend dressed way too sexy and badass to even speak of. He was looking like a mafia boss with that gorgeous blond hair and deep V green crop top exposing a lot of his torso and ripped black jeans. I never thought I'd see him wearing this!

"I- WOW!! I have no words!! Lloyd! You look so sexyyyy!! Be careful!! Kai will wreck you once he sees you in this" I wink

He blushed and looked down "thanks.. my cousin helped me pick something out" "And Kai will like it!?" He smirks

Wow! What has gotten into Lloyd?

"But that's not why I came in here" his smirk expands and he hands me a bag. I look inside and my jaw drops to the floor once more.


Cole's POV
I was in one of the corridors of the school which were empty at the moment. Mainly because everyone was getting ready physically and mentally for the party.

Parties aren't really my thing. But when I found even jay and Lloyd were going? I had to. I don't even know why. Just the thought excited me. Yes the thought of being anything else but enemies with jay scared me and hurt my ego. But at the moment what I cared about was one thing solely at this party

"Him under me" I smirk and light my cigarette

"WHO THE HELL IS SMOKING IN THE SCHOOL??" Ms. GigaKaren's voice echoed through the halls. I rolled my eyes and knew that was my cue. With that I turned to the back door, hopped on my motorcycle and sped off.

By the time I had arrived to the party, they were already one hour in, lost in drinking, drugs, sex, whatnot. A classic collage party. I was wearing no shirt, just a leather jacket and tight black jeans exposing my muscles and abs.

I walked in bored written all over my face when I saw Kai.

"Ayy you madeeee it! Thought you weren't cominnnn some bluejay on your minddd" Kai slurred clearly drunk.

"Shut the fuck up" I smirked and he laughs. I went to go and grab some drinks when everyone went quiet"

"Is that.."

"No shit.. it's jay and Lloyd!"

"Oh my goddd they look so fuckable.."

The crowd whispered but Kai's eyes were solely on Lloyd. He was drooling practically. I rolled my eyes but that was before I saw jay. I practically had the same expression as Kai did on my face when I did.

There he was, that slim petite body in a silky loose blue top. It draped down his shoulders exposing his collarbone and neck completely. It stopped at his mid torso and there were 2 chains that crisscrossed his stomach and under it? Tight leather pants, hugging that plump ass that Coles cock practically saluted to.

Kai wasted no time and pinned Lloyd to the nearest wall. Lloyd, the "innocent" person I thought I knew smirked and pushed him off leaving Kai with hearts in his eyes. He went to go get some drinks. I wasn't even paying attention to that but to the blue beauty. He followed Lloyd to get drinks. I never thought that would ever happen..

But what I saw next made my blood boil

Jays POV
Nya walks up to me and smiles. I smile back and she blushes

"Hi jay.. so you made it!! You look really.. breathtaking!!" She stares me down top to bottom

Now it was my turn to blush

"Thanks! Uh- Lloyd brought it for me. I didn't think I he had it in him to be this confident!" We laugh and talk some more that's when a familiar figure walks in between us

"Step aside slut" he smirks at nya

"I'm sorry what?" Nya folds her hands offended

He smirked "you heard me. Back off whore he doesn't need someone like you in his life. He doesn't like you anyway"

"I- who the hell are you?? Im calling my brother- Kai? KAI!!" He puts a finger on her lips

"He's not sober in case you didn't notice" he points to Kai who is happily dancing like a stripper with Lloyd "And he won't help you bitch so fuck off"

"What? How- how dare you!"

He rolls his eyes "You heard me. Get the fuck out"

"This- I- what? Jay do you know him?"

"Sadly" I scoffed "Mind your own love life fucker"

Cole turns to me anger and lust in his eyes

"I- I think I should leave you guys to.. work it out" she leaves clearly confused

That's when I couldn't hold it in anymore

"WHY DO YOU CARE!!" I say stabbing a finger on his chest accusingly.  "YOU HATE ME I HATE YOU!!"

"Who said I hate you?" He smirked as I fume in rage

"EVEN IF YOU DONT, YOU DONT HAVE TO PUSH ME AWAY FROM WHOEVER IM TALKING TO!! ITS LIKE YOU LOVE ME OR SOMETHING!!" I say instantly regretting the words that came out of my mouth

His smirk replaced with a glare appeared on his face as he pinned me to the wall and at this point it has everyone in the rooms attention. His hot breath is against my nape as he leans in to my ear

"You are mine, you DONT have the right to talk to whoever the hell you want" he whispers huskily. I don't respond as I'm shaking in fear wondering why I'm slightly turned on.

He stares through my soul and whispers "Goddamit Jay, I hate that I love you"

And with that he pushes himself off of me and storms out as I'm rooted to the spot.

"Love.. me?"

This COULDNT be it. I ran after him and find him outside

"Cole, Cole, you can't leave after you drop a bomb like that!? What the fuck do you mean "love me""

He scoffed "ARE YOU THAT STUPID?? I SAID IT!! I-I love you.. I DONT even know how it happened or from when!!"

Too much is going on in my brain for me to process

"Y-you're drunk.. this-this isn't real.. it's drunk words!!"

He advances closer

"Drunk words are sober thoughts baby" he licked his lips and before I can comprehend anything, he smashed his lips straight into mine.

I Hate That I Love You | A Ninjago Bruiseshipping FanficWhere stories live. Discover now