Chapter 21 | Angel, i promise, you're safe

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Song- 18 one direction

Cole's POV

One minute, I was dancing and having a great time with Jay

And the next I was frantically looking for him, hoping that nothing awful happened

And now?

Something awful had happened

I clicked open the door leading to a bedroom, and my defenses slips when I heard screaming

Jays screams..

I banged on the door, harder and harder, hearing his screams go louder and louder, and soon enough, the door had fallen

My blood pooled past 3rd degree the minute I met jays eyes.

Who DARES to fucking lay a finger on him?

I could only see red when I saw Morro's filthy hands on jays belt who was crying so hard, tears making kaleidoscopes in his eyes. I quickly ran and pushed Morro. I didn't even know what I was doing, all I could see was RED. I punched and punched and kicked what felt like a lifeless body. Fuck who cared if he was even fighting back or alive? Not me

I punched, kicked, slapped, and played my hands on every inch, even feeling warm liquid trickle from the lifeless body, to my hands. It wasn't until Jay pushed me away from Morro and threw his body on me, that things started to clear up.

He latched on to me like a scared koala. My heart melted then and there, my eyes prickling with tears at what could have happened to Jay and I not made it on time. I hugged back, equally as strong and stroked his back.

Perhaps just for now, we can forget about our past

I held him in my arms, stroking his back, and reassuring him that it's okay. We stayed in that position until his breathing calmed and his body relaxed.

I slowly pulled away, he was still in my lap, koala hugging me, when he also pulled away very slowly.

"Wanna talk about it?" I whispered as he trembled and shook his head. I let him hug me for longer until the tears stopped.

"That bastard.." I muttered under my breath and Jay just hugged tighter, if that was possible.

"I promise, he'll not get away with this. I'll make sure that asshole pays for his every action. And even then, nothing is worse than rape. He needs to know that's not right. I won't let him live. Now come, let's get you to my dorm." His ocean orbs met my hazel ones and he gave me a soft smile. His shaking hand took mine, and we stood up.

"Th-thank you Cole.."

I smiled and nodded "What kind of friend would I be if I didn't?"

The cab ride back home was silent, but it was more of a comfortable silence. We both sat in the back, close together. He layered his head on my shoulder and I embraced him tighter.

"I'm scared.."

"Don't be, angel. I've got you now.."

His vulnerability was written all over his face, and swimming in his eyes, were tears that I wiped away. Every drop that fell on his face, I'd be quick to wipe it away. That bitch doesn't deserve his precious tears..

I held his hand the whole way back to my dorm, and the minute we got there, we both crashed on the couch, not leaving our hands. I got up, and grabbed a change of clothes for us both. For me, and him.

"Here take this" he takes my big grey hoodie and pajama pants and goes off to change.

When he came out, I had to stop myself from cooing because of how adorable it looked on him. There he was, it my very oversized hoodie and pants. He looked so.. snuggly

"What are you looking at?" I laugh at his words and he pouts

"Cole brookstone!! Don't laughhh! What's so funny!" A ghost of a smile appeared on his mouth and I snickered. He walked up to the couch while I made some hot ramen for us both. It been a long day, and if it was anything needed it was this.

"Want me to call Lloyd?" I asked and he shook his head sighing "I don't want to be a bother to him and-"

"I think he'd want to know, Jay.."

"-And I.. I only want you right now.."

My heart stopped while our eyes locked. I walked closer with the ramen and put it on the table in front of us. I wrapped an arm around him and we sat in silence while eating.

"Do you want to watch something?" He nodded, and I started scrolling through Netflix. Not before landing on one of my favorite anime, Tokyo Ghoul.

"Tokyo ghoul? I've been wanting to watch that!! Can we play it? Pleaseeee!!" His eyes shined and I laughed at his cuteness.

"It's one of my favorites actually, I think you'd like it." He blushed as I clicked play. We both grabbed a blanket, not even caring about our close proximity, as long as he was safe that was all that had mattered. As long as he wasn't too scared. As long as he was with me..

Somewhere along the lines, our eyes met and locked, almost as if we were peering through eachothers souls, understanding every galaxy, every reason. Constellations shined through us and the anime was long forgotten.



"Kiss me.."

Yall all really thought I would dare make this chapter ONLY FLUFF? As much as I love fluff, you've gotta have flavor too 😏. Anywayyy double update 2 days in a row 😎 yay for meee!! Thoughts? Opinions? Stay safe, babies!!

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