Fear of the Dark

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Y/N's POV:

We were now in the pouring rain, it was coming down hard and lightning appeared in the distance. "Are you not worried to get electrocuted?" Peter B asked. "No, my armor defies science were my armor can't get an electric shock. Even if it could, my cape wouldn't let that happen because of the rubber" I explained. "So if you fought Electro, you would be fine?" He asked. "Yeah I would" I said. "Very cool" he said. "Guys, find the place" Miguel said in our radios. "I'm watching everything you do by the way, this is serious" Miguel followed up. "Well I'm just gonna turn invisible then" Miles said and he vanished. "I can see you" I said. "WHAT, HOW?" He asked. My super vision must be able to pick him up in my sights, he just looks transparent, sort've see through. "X-ray vision" I said and we walked to the side of the building. "Dude's OP" Miles said. "You have electric powers, I don't want to hear anything" I said. "You have demon abilities" Miles argued. "Great, what do I have then?" Peter B said. "Uhhhh dad power. You're a great fatherly figure" I said, making it up to so he could feel included. I'm sure he's a fantastic dad, he loves his daughter so much. "Oh my god, really?" He said and I nodded, Miles did too. Peter started choking up under his mask. "Thank god, sometimes I feel like I'm doing a bad job as a parent. I feel like I'm a bad dad every time I change Mayday's diaper because I'm on the verge of throwing up every time and I always have MJ do it-" he was ranting but then we heard "ENOUGH! Focus on the task in hand" from an angry Miguel. We all quickly said sorry and Peter was immediately fine after that, what a good ball. "Ay dios mío" I heard Miguel silently mutter. Miles and I looked at each other and we were smiling at each other under our masks, that was kinda funny.

"So where can we find this Iceberg Lounge?" Miles said. "I know the building, it's in my universe too. Follow me" I said and I dove off the building and started swinging, they followed quickly. I started gliding over the buildings and I dove down. "Look at you showoff" I heard Gwen say on my radio. "Stalker" I said and she laughed. "Yep, that's me. Watching you every second" she playfully said. "Alright, just don't be scared when you watch me in the next ten minutes" I said. "I won't be, I know your tactics" she jokingly said and I laughed. "We'll see about that" I said and she laughed. We landed on an empty street in front of the building. "You two, make your way to the top and find him, I'll start from below and make my way up" I said and they nodded, webbing up into the air. I walked to the door and knocked on it and hid around the corner. Someone opened the door and took a couple steps outside a few seconds later, trying to find who knocked the door. I walked behind him and went inside, but he noticed me when I turned the corner and he yelled at me. "HEY-" I said and I locked him outside in the rain. I was walking down the hallway and there was music blasting in the background and a lot of people dancing. "Oh my god, look at the guy" a girl said in a flirty tone but I sped walk past her, it was kinda making me a little mad, but they don't know that I have the one for me already. "I bet he's so hot under that" another girl said. "Oh my fucking god" I heard Gwen quietly say, frustrated from what she was hearing, the others didn't seem to hear. I felt bad and I would never hurt her like that, she's got nothing to worry about. I walked into this ginormous dance room and stayed on the balcony, trying to find my way to an elevator. I got stares from a couple guys who didn't look friendly, but I didn't care and I walked right into a private elevator room.

The guards quickly followed behind. "HEY!" I heard from behind. I turned around and one of them had a wooden baseball bat and tried to hit me over the head with it and it snapped. He looked scared and I looked at him for a second. I webbed the door and I shut it, locking the three men in here with me. The music outside the room was loud which is good, no one will hear their screams. One man tried to punch my face, but he broke his hand doing it. He screamed and as he tried pulling away his arm, I grabbed it and twisted it which broke his whole arm. He screamed more and I slammed him against the concrete wall. What I mean by slam, I picked him up like a feather and basically threw him at the wall. One of them was cowering and tried to bang on the door for someone to open up, but the other tried fighting. He grabbed a concrete block and tried to hit me with it. I grabbed it out of his hand and smashed it into the side of his knee, snapping it sideways. He lowered down and was about to scream, but I wrapped my arm around his neck, choking him out and he was struggling to breathe and I hit him with a downwards punch to the face. The last guy was still at the door, banging and yelling for help. I walked up to him and I punched him in the back of the head and he put a dent into the metal door with his head. I looked at the corner of the room and looked up to see a camera. I looked into it to see if Penguin would see that he has a familiar visitor. I looked at the elevator and I ripped the door open. "Guys, how we lookin?" I asked, now climbing the wall of the elevator shaft. "Nothing yet, we took out a couple guys though" Peter B said. I grunted. "Keep looking" I said. I didn't want to enter through the elevator door and start attacking them, they'll hear me. I found a vent on the top of the elevator shaft and I smiled under my helmet. "Perfect" I said to myself.

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