Let Me Explain

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Y/N's POV:

I swung through the city, trying to find Gwen. I sensed her all the way from her place and I getting closer to the Times Square area of the city. The closer I got to her, the more anger grew in me because I have to listen to her bullshit excuses. I leapt of a big building and I spread my cape, gliding over the buildings. I looked over and then I saw her, Gwen. She was sitting on a roof, waiting for me. I glided down and I landed on the roof, she didn't hear me. I started walking to her and then she shot her head around when she heard my heavy footsteps. I stopped walking and I retracted my hood and helmet. She got up and turned towards me, taking off her mask. Her face was bruised, what happened to her? She started breathing a little heavier and she was becoming more emotional. "Y/N"she said and I rolled my eyes, now looking away and pacing back and forth. "Y/N please, let me explain" she said. "Oh let you explain" I said quietly and frustratedly and stopped walking. "Yeah explain to me, Gwen. Explain to me why you kept my mom's death a secret from me, the person who raised me and who I looked up to the most. Explain to me why you never came to FUCKING see me, when you could've the whole time" I yelled and she was quiet, trying to not breakdown. "You realize how that sounds, right?" I asked angrily. "I know, I'm sorry, but-" I cut her off. "SO WHY!?" I furiously screamed, I felt my veins pop out of my head. She stepped back and was trying so hard to hold in tears. I let the tears fall out of my eyes. I looked down and then looked back up at her. "W-why?" I asked. We were both crying now, but I wasn't crying as much as when, she had her emotions built up in her. "How could you do this to me?" I asked. "Y/N-" she said loudly, she couldn't get any words out. She started sobbing and was hyperventilating, not being able to speak.

I sighed and I walked over to her. I put my hands on her shoulders and I sat us down on a vent. She  held onto my chest, looking down. "Please-" she managed to get out before she couldn't control her emotions. "Hey hey, breathe. Just breathe. Don't think about me, just breathe" I said. I started breathing slowly with her and she started to calm down. I moved one of my hands from her shoulder to her bicep and held it delicately. "You okay?" I asked and she nodded. I waited a second to speak. "Talk to me" I said. She took a couple breaths. "I was scared, and selfish... but it was also Miguel" she said, looking up at me with a sad face. It breaks my heart to see her like this. "Can you elaborate?" I calmly asked. "It was all mainly Miguel. I fucking hate Miguel. He prohibited me from seeing you, ever since I joined the spider society. I tried so many times to punch in 549 and I couldn't" she started and she let a couple tears fall. I cupped her cheek and wiped away her tears and she leaned into my touch. "When I figured out your mom was going to die, I wanted to just throw myself at a wall because I couldn't see you to tell you. I wanted to tell you so badly because I love you" she said and she cupped my cheek. "Why didn't you tell me when I was with you again?" I asked. "I... I was an idiot. I was being selfish" she said. I felt frustrated with what she said, but I kept listening to her. "If I told you, they'd banish me back home and then I would never see you again... I di- I didn't want that to happen" she said. I looked at her sadly and I let a couple tears fall.

"But please understand this. I love you more than anything, you're my reason for living. I fucking hate myself for betraying you like this, I betrayed myself by betraying you. I really wanted to tell you so badly, I really wanted did. All I wanted to do was see you again because I love you so much. I know that there's no excuse to what I did, but I'm so sorry. This was all Miguel's doing too, he did this to us and I want to help you save your mom. Even if the multiverse collapses, I want to do it with you... you complete me, Y/N. You're such an inspiration to me, you taught me that there's nothing to be afraid of. As long as I have you... I'm all set" she said. She really did mean this, I can feel it... I love her. "Now you can scream at me all you want, leave me or whatever... I just wanted to tell you that" she said, looking down now and crying again. I cried with her. I caught her off guard by cupping her chin and placing my lips against hers. She reacted immediately and cupped my face, moving her lips with mine. She exhaled out her nose in relief. I delicately took her waist into my hands, pulling her closer. We broke the kiss and we put our foreheads against each others. "I love you" Gwen said. "To Neptune and back" I said and we looked up at each other and smiled. "I'm so fucking sorry , Y/N" Gwen said and I nodded. "Me too" I said. She pulled me closer. "I swear to god I'll make it up to you. I swear to fucking god I'll make it up until the day I die" she said and I was quiet for a second. "You'll make it up... when we win this war" I said and she smiled hard. Then she pulled me into her, pressing her lips against mine again.

Meant To Be | Spiderverse Story - Gwen Stacy/Spider-Gwen x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now