Our Cluster

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Y/N's POV:

I woke up from hearing crying, from the other room. Shit, it's my son, Gray. I grunted and my more than perfect wife woke up too, making a noise. She couldn't hear Gray since her was across the house, but I could. "You okay, baby?" Gwen groggily whispered to me. "Yeah, Gray's crying" I said and he was crying even louder now. "Jesus, he's freaking out" I said and I sat up. "I'll go see what's wrong" Gwen said and she sat up, but I stopped her when I heard Gray yell "DADDY!" "Nope, he yelled for me. I'll be right back, honey" I said and I pecked Gwen's cheek. I saw her gorgeous smile creep on her face and she laid back down. I got out of bed and I walked out of our room. We bought a giant mansion that's outside the city, but it overlooks a giant lake, we're the only ones with a house on this lake. I walked across the house and I checked on our daughter, Madison. I peeked my head in and she was still sleeping. I smiled from her cuteness and I let her be. I then make it to Gray's room and I opened the door quietly. I could see in the dark that he had tears pouring out of his eyes and his face was red. "Hey buddy, what's the matter?" I asked, rushing to his side and sitting on the bed with him. I wrapped my arm around him and I moved some of his long and curly brunette hair out of his face, showing me his bright blue eyes. "Th-th-there's a monster" he said terrified. "A monster? What monster?" I asked. "I was dreaming and a big black monster with big ears kept being mean to me and kept scaring me" he said and continued crying. I realized, the Dark Knight's in his dreams, he's gaining his demon powers.

"Ooooh buddy, that's our friend" I said and he looked up at me. "He wasn't being mean to you, he was just making sure you were safe. That's all" I said with a comforting smile. He started to calm down a little. "Really?" He asked innocently and I nodded. "Yeah" I said with a little enthusiasm. "He's in my dreams too. He makes me strong from beating up bad guys and kicking their butts" I said and he started giggling. "And if he's in your dreams now, you'll be strong like your old man" I said and we both smiled. "Can I kick some butts like you?" He asked. "Eventually bud, but you're very young. You're not ready just yet" I said. "Aww" he said and I chuckled. "I know... someday bud" I said and I stood up. "Can we play?" He asked. "Not now, it's still bedtime. We'll play in the morning, okay?" I said and he nodded. I smiled and was closing the door. "Alright, goodnight buddy" I said while shutting the door. I can see through the door and he laid back down, going to sleep. I turned around and looked through the wall of Madison's room to see that she's not in her bed anymore. I have an idea on where she could be now. I was walking back to our and I saw Madison snuggling with Gwen, I figured. I opened the door and I laid back in bed, having Madison in between us. Gwen had her arm over Madison and had her hand on my chest. "Hey daddy" Madison said and I smiled. "Hey sweetheart" I said and I kissed her forehead.

Gwen scooted closer and laid sideways, facing me. "All set?" She asked and I nodded. "Yep, he's fine now" I said. "What was that all about?" She asked. "He's getting his demon powers, the Dark Knight was in his dreams" I said and I could see her expression in the dark, she was shocked. "Already? He's only five" Gwen said surprised. "I know... but now" I said and I looked down at our daughter. "It's your turn to get demon powers" I said playfully and I scrunched Madison's cheek in my fingers and she was giggling. I looked up at Gwen who was smiling. "Alright, goodnight honey" I said and I laid my head on my pillow, still looking at Gwen who placed her head on her pillow. "Goodnight baby" she said and she shut her eyes. Madison went to sleep in between us and everything was quiet again. Later, I was pulled into a dream and everything was dark. I looked down to see that I was in my armor. "Your son is already strong enough" The Knight said and he appeared in front of me. "Yeah I know, I woke up from him crying" I said. "Look, I understand he got his powers and you need to see him now, but go easy on him, he's only five. Same with Madison if she gets hers, she's only four" I said. "Of course, Y/N. But that is not why I am here. I am giving you another ability" The Knight said. "Oh yeah, what's that?" I asked and he put his huge hand on my chest and I got put into a trance. I could see myself flying in the sky with my cape spread open and shadow emitting from my body. He took his hand away and I was taken out of the trance. I can fly now, cool.

"See you soon, Y/N" The Knight said and everything was becoming normal again where I was laying in bed and the sun was up. I looked to the side to see Gwen and Madison sleeping peacefully. I looked to the other side from hearing little footsteps, Gray was next to me. "Morning buddy" I said and I pulled him into our bed. I scooted over and set him down next to Madison. Gwen opened her eyes and saw Gray in the bed. "There's my little man" Gwen said excitedly and snatched Gray, hugging him tightly as he laughed. Madison opened her blue eyes and looked at me. "Morning sweetheart" I said pulling her up and playing with her blonde hair. Madison took one of my very long and wavy strands of hair and started playing with it. I looked up at Gwen to see her still hugging Gray and she was planting little kisses on his neck that tickled him. "Stop that" he playfully said and they both laughed. I smiled from watching them and I looked down at Madison who looked tired. "What are we doing today?" Gwen asked and I got an idea. "First we gotta eat breakfast and then... we're gonna have some fun" I said and Gwen raised an eyebrow. "What's that supposed to mean?" She asked. "You'll see soon" I said with a smirk.


We all stood on a roof in our spider suits. I made Gwen a thinly coated knightmanium suit where she can be bulletproof while also still being very flexible. Gray has a thicker suit and a cape like me and Madison also has a thinly coated suit. Gwen's was still black and white with the hot pink, Gray's was dark grey and black like mine and Madison's was completely black with white designs. "Y/N, we've already taken them for a swing a couple of times" Gwen said. "Who said that we're swinging?" I said and she raised an eyebrow through her mask. "What?" She said. "Just trust me" I said. "Okay, what are we doing?" She asked. "You all need to climb on my back" I said. The kids climbed up first and Gwen got on them, securing them and holding them close to her. "You're going to try to glide with us on your back?" She asked. "Not just glide" I said and I dove off the building with everyone on my back. I held the sides of my cape and Gwen held on tight to me and the kids. I spread my cape and we started gliding at first. "This is fun, daddy!" I heard Madison yell. I let out a little bit of the Knight and then shadow started emitting off of me. Then I started lifting up and was flying higher and higher and higher into the sky. I could sense that Gwen was shocked and I could hear the kids laughing and having fun. "Babe, you're flying!" I heard her yell. "Just got this ability last night" I said and I dove down and spread my cape again. We were flying through and past clouds, doing spins and flips in the air. Everyone was laughing, including Gwen. Eventually, I got high enough where we were above the clouds and I kept us steady in the air, slowly down a little. "Baby, this is amazing" I heard my wife say, bending lower to say into my ear. "I know, probably would be better at sunset though" I said and she chuckled.


The spider family continued to fly through the sky, having a blast with each other and making happy family memories, memories that no other family could make. The couple feel like that they can't get any happier than how they are. They have everything they need, kids, a home, food and most importantly, each other. Gwen and Y/N's journey as themselves and as Spider-Man and Spider-Woman is far from over. These two can't live without each other, they'd do anything for each other. These two didn't just only make a family, but they made an unstoppable team. He is vengeance and she is justice, he is the Knight and she is the Ghost, he is Spider-Man and she is Spider-Woman. These four continued flying through the air and they went higher and higher towards the sun, disappearing into the sky. Together.

The End

Meant To Be | Spiderverse Story - Gwen Stacy/Spider-Gwen x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now