Fatherly Love

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Y/N's POV:

I was gliding over buildings with my cape, trying to rush to the sky needle. I can't believe I'm going to save her dad, let alone, actually meet him. It's just going to be weird that it won't be with Gwen. As I'm slightly nearing the place, I hear the gun shots. I finally reached the end of the building, across the street from the sky needle and the shoot out below. I then turned the lights off and everyone watching was screaming and police were confused. The bad guys were angry because they're kinda stressed. I glided across the street and landed on a light post. There were 11 men and I webbed five men at once and pulled them up. They screamed in the darkness as they were pulled up. I webbed them all up and attached them to the light post. I jumped to another light post and turned the lights back on. The men were now looking around confused and scared now since they lost a big chunk of their men. They looked up at the other light post to see five men webbed up. "Oh fuck! SPIDER-WOMAN'S HERE!" One of them yelled. It wasn't a woman, it was the Dark Knight. The police lowered their weapons because they think that "she's back" when it's actually me. I've only done this a couple times to a group of enemies, but I was going to do something I call the "Fear Takedown." I'm gonna scare the shit by coming out of nowhere and take down the first guy. Then I'm gonna move so fast that they won't even have time to react to me when I take them out. So with that, I dropped and slammed down onto one of the men and they all got scared, shooting their guns in the air in response. I ran and punched every guy as fast as I could and I grabbed the last one and slammed him to the ground. Everyone gasped or were wowed by me. "Is that a Spider-Man?" A cop asked one of the others. I'm surprised their actually not trying to arrest me now. I slowly stood up, showing myself under the light and revealing my massive height. I looked to the side to see that I missed a man and he pointed an RPG at me. I stood there and he shot the rocket, it hit me and exploded. Everyone screamed and the officers pointed their guns at him. "PUT DOWN THE ROCKET LAUNCHER!" A female police officer demanded. "YOU CAN GO TO HELL!" He yelled back trying to reload the rocket launcher. One of the officers looked at me, now walking slowly out of the smoke and eventually, everyone did. Then last guy was backing up slowly and eventually tried to run away. I webbed his legs and effortlessly pulled him to me. I grabbed him and threw him over my head, slamming him onto the ground. I heard his shoulder break and he screamed loudly.

I picked him back up and lifted him into the air by his throat. "Start talking. How many men are in the building? Are there more four police officers in the building?" I asked, revealing the Knight voice and freaking him out. "Okay okay okay! Th- there's 196 of us in there and yes, there's hostages, all the way on the top floor" he frighteningly said and I looked up, they're very high in the sky. I looked back at him. "Thank you" I coldly said and I threw him to the police. The police took him away in an ambulance and I turned around, looking back at the building and was walking towards. "Go get them, Spider-Man!" A male officer said and I looked back at him surprised. Everyone was wanting to hunt down Gwen and with me here, everyone is okay with it... what's going on? I gave him a nod and he spoke up one more time. "Uhh, Sp-Spider-Woman had a nickname, Ghost Spider. Do you have one?" He asked. "The Dark Knight" I said and I walked towards the building, ready to save the night once again.

Gwen's POV:

I still continued to cry on my bed, still heartbroken from what happened an hour ago. I had the worst headache of my life right now. I got up and I went to the kitchen, crying lightly because I calmed down a little. I opened a drawer and pulled out ibuprofen. I swallowed two pills and I took a sip of water. I stood there for a few seconds until I heard a knock at my door. I walked up to it and I looked at the camera outside my door to reveal all my friends, Miles, Peter B, Margo, Pavitr and Hobie. I opened the door and they all looked sad for me. "Hey" I brokenly said with a slight smile. "Hey kid, how you holding up?" Peter B asked. "Oh I'm just fantastic, thanks for asking" I sarcastically said and chuckled, but that chuckle turned into more tears as I turned around. "Gwen" Miles said and I shot around and hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around me and I tucked my head in his shoulder. I removed my head from his shoulders and left his arms. "This is all my fault. If it wasn't for fucking Miguel and his dumb fucking rules, I would've been fine! I would still have Y/N in my arms, I would've told him everything about his mom as soon as I was able to go on missions and I would be fighting along side him if it wasn't-" I was ranting and yelling until I fell to my knees, crying once more. I put my hands over my face. "I've lost everything" I said. Miles walked to me and sat on the floor next to me. "Gwen... just go see him. You have a hopper" Miles said. "Miles I can't, Miguel denied access to go to Earth-549 ever since he gave me this" I said and I got up turned my back towards them. "You guys are great friends... but I'm done. I give up. There's no point anymore" I said and everyone was quiet. I sighed nervously. "I'm going home" I said and I typed 65 into the hopper and pressed enter.

Meant To Be | Spiderverse Story - Gwen Stacy/Spider-Gwen x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now