One: "No. We're busy."

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Mika Nakadia stared at the game controller which sat on the coffee table. Behind her she could hear the irritated voices of her friends, or at least what used to be her friends as to her their very much irritated appearance and current attitude to her. She had decided to play one little prank on everyone, but that one little prank backfired majorly and now she was paying for it. Currently she was sitting on the couch cross legged, staring at a game controller, the other one resting on the empty couch next to her, while holding her phone in one hand. Her face was emotionless, a major change from the usual smiling, hyper-active fifteen-year-old, a change that didn't seem to bother anyone else.

After a moment she blew what hair was in her face away as she abruptly stood up. She picked up her school bag and while everyone was busy arguing she snuck past them, and silently headed down the long corridor which led to the hidden door - at least from the outside the door was hidden - that lead out into the desert. It would be an hour walk, potentially even more, from Autobot HQ but she didn't want to risk asking Bulkhead for a ride or even a ground-bridge from Ratchet as both were equally angry with her even though she had apologized millions of times already. She understood why they were all angry through, shoot, she would be angry at herself to if someone else had done what she had done.

Miko used her government issued key card to override the lock which kept the door sealed shut. She watched as the door began to rise slowly but before it had risen all the way she had stopped it, crouched down to get out then once the sensors above sensed no more movement from the inside, it shut, locking her out. The walk back to host parents' house was a little longer due to Miko taking her time. She didn't want to rush to her host parents' house as she would no doubt be bombarded with questions as to why she was back so early after all she was supposed to be at a 'science fiction club meeting' which was supposed to take up the rest of the afternoon. Miko figured she would just say the so called 'club meeting' ended early if she happened to get back home before her host parents got off work or maybe even plucked the old 'I don't feel to good' excuse also. It seemed as if she had a little luck on her side as she didn't spot her host-family's car in the driveway upon returning. Taking off the house key, which was on a chain around her neck, she opened the front door and headed in.

Miko tossed her bag onto the couch as she walked in and headed up to the room that she had been given upon her arrival to the house when she first came to Jasper, Nevada. 'Slash Monkey' posters covered the wall's along with posters from various other bands that she liked. Her bed was positioned in front of a window on the far wall, a desk sat in the right corner of the room, A small bedside table was next to her bed, a dresser and closet was by the door which led into her room. The walls were painted beige through by the number of posters which covered them it was hard to tell. The flooring was wood so when she walked there was a light 'tap' noise. Miko went ahead and changed into her pajamas and due to having nothing else to-do and knowing she probably wasn't going to leave the house again any time soon, she started on her homework {which was a miracle in its self as she tended to put off homework for as long as possible not to mention she was usual at Autobot HQ playing video games with either Jack or Raf},The rest of the afternoon went by rather quickly with her host parents arriving an hour after she did which she wasn't all that thrilled about but nonetheless chose to just stay in her room to avoid any unwanted conversations for the rest of the night.
The next day was, luckily Friday, meaning it would soon be the weekend. As she half expected Bulkhead hadn't showed up to take her to school. She figured he had some type of mission but then again at the same time Arcee and Bumblebee had both driven by with Jack and Raf which she had quickly figured out when both went by her on the way to school. Through it was just wishful thinking, she hopped that Bulkhead hadn't abandoned her but with her luck he more than probably had. During school the hyperactive teen stared solemnly at the things around her. For once she had gotten her work done which was amazing considering how she was usually distracted by things around her but today was different. Today she felt nothing, no happiness, no feeling of being around those who she usually was, but most of all she felt as if she was empty, as if something at gone wrong and in a way everything had. She lost her friends, whenever she attempted to call her parents in Tokyo they wouldn't answer, it was as if they too were ignoring her, which only added to her glum mood. First three classes of the day went by quickly, fortunately but the last before lunch wasn't so. It was math class, Miko's fourth hour which she had with Jack and Raf both of which chose to ignore her. After fourth period was lunch. she picked at her tray of food which consisted of some type of mush which she assumed was supposed to be some type of pasta, with a side of milk, pears, and a role. Out of instinct she headed over to the trio's usual table only to not see the two boys there. Miko sat there for the rest of the duration of lunch, alone.

During her last hour class which was Chemistry there was a fire drill which had had done so many times before. She had spotted the unmistakable Aston Martin, or better known as Knockout, a familiar Decepticon whom she didn't really get along with which. Miko looked around hoping to spot the familiar armored vehicle but of course she hadn't. She supposed she should just give up on looking for the mech like she had the others, but it she still felt an uneasiness to wash over her like a tidal wave at the sight of the Aston Martin. She couldn't help but wonder why the Decepticon was parked across the school but then again maybe it was just an average car, but her fears were confirmed when she saw the unmistakable Decepticon Logo causing her gulp nervously. Bulkhead wasn't in sight, and neither was Arcee or Bumblebee, she spotted Jack and Raft a couple yards away which brought her some comfort as if something were to happen then perhaps, she wouldn't be facing it alone. The once fearless girl now grew worried as different scenarios popped into her head. Quickly she headed over to Jack and Raf who looked at her with a glare {Well more of a glare from jack, Raf looked as if he felt sorry for Miko}.

"H-Hey guys." she said, cringing at herself for stuttering.

"What do you want, Miko?" Jack asked annoyed.

"I was just wondering you guys wanted to hang out, maybe go to K.O?" Miko asked hopeful that they would agree to going to the burger joint so she wouldn't have to be alone.

Jack shook his head. "No. We're busy." He said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oh, Ok." Miko asked. A frown appeared on her face as the bell rang and the principles voice came over the loudspeaker giving all clear to go back in. She walked away from the two to head to the line which her Chemistry class had formed.
"And why couldn't Starscream be the one to get a child from this so called 'school'?" Knockout asked with a whine evident in his voice.

"Because it would be illogical if a giant earth plane were to do said thing you are doing now."

Knockout sighed in frustration at Shockwaves response which had come from over his com-link system. For nearly an hour he had been 'stalking', as humans would say, the humans' schools trying to find a good test subject for Shockwaves latest experiments. With the help of the children all coming outside for unknown reasons {though Knockout thought it had something to do with that annoying high-pitched noise right before the flood of human children occurred} it was easy to actually tell who would appear to be a good test subject. Shockwave had wanted a human child as children, Cybertronian and human alike, were often easy to persuade into doing things or, for some cases, even scared into doing things. It would be easier to even trick a child then to trick an adult for any species. Knockout's interest sparked when he saw the familiar Fleshies who were always with the Autobot's. If he was in his Cybertronian form, he would be smirking. 'It appears there's trouble in paradise.' He thought to himself as he saw the harsh looks that Jack had given Miko along with the sorrowful look Raphael had given the teen girl. "I believe I have found your new test subject." He said with a short but yet small laugh. "Tell Lord Megatron that you'll have what you need by the end of the day."

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