Ch.14:"Why does it feel like I just did the wrong thing?"

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There was no improvement for Miko only setbacks seemed to happen. Her once somewhat 'happy-go-lucky' self-had completely disappeared. To put it simple, she was appearing to be quite depressed even when the bot's and humans all tried to cheer her up by using various tactics such as things she liked currently or when she was human. Jack even bared through the pain of playing a few 'Slash Monkey's' songs only for Miko to turn away from him with a annoyed grunt which caused great concern as Miko clearly wasn't one to turn down 'Slash Monkey'. No matter what 'treatment' Ratchet would try with Miko nothing seemed to work and as the days past Miko's spark only appeared to grow weaker causing great concern between the Autobot's and humans alike so much to everybody's displeasure Ratchet had made the call to allow Miko to go to whatever parental figure she had either intentionally or unintentionally created a bond with which led to everybody's current positions.

Nearly an hour had gone by and Miko's tired optics continued to flicker around the rocky landscape before her. The pain in her spark had appeared to lessen slightly though why was unclear to the sparkling. The only reason she could think was that Predaking was somewhere nearby as he had promised her earlier before. Miko shifted uncomfortably as she whined quietly. Her servos went to rub her optics only for her servo's to be gently grasp in Ratchets as a way to stop her.

"We've been over this, you can't-" Ratchet began but was cut off midsentence when a near defining roar was heard on the horizon. Automatically Miko perked up, her optics scanning around her before finally looking up. Coming towards the trio {as it was decided just the three of them, the three being Miko, Ratchet, and Optimus} would go out and a little way from base as both figured it would most likely be a normal Decepticon to greet them.

They were wrong on that thought.

Very, very wrong indeed.

A few moments later, a giant dragon like Predicon landed in front of them causing Miko to smile and let out a series of squeaks and chirps as she struggled to get down from Ratchets arms.

"Oh, for Primus' sake." Ratchet breathed when he laid optics on the Predicon who landed directly in front of them. "Their supposed to be extinct."

"It appears they are not, old friend." Optimus stated, he too at a loss for words.

For a moment everyone seemed to just stare at each other before Ratchet had finally come to his senses just as the giant dragon like Predicon in front of them transformed to appear as a somewhat normal Cybertronian.

"I do believe you have been taking care of someone whom I've declared as my own." The mystery Cybertronian stated.

For a few moments Miko was confused as to what she had just witnessed then quickly remembered that Cybertronian's had multiple forms though she clearly wasn't expecting a mythical beast to be one of those forms a Cybertronian would take on.

Miko's whining brought the three mechs to the predicament at hand. "So, you're the one who Miko has taken a liking to." Ratchet stated, his voice sounding as if he was a little put off with the thought not to mention probably portray his nervously about the situation {the latter he was hoping for didn't sound as bad as he thought it probably did though}. Even if he didn't want to admit it Miko had grown on him even when she was human. She had grown so much on him that Ratchet had even considered Miko to be of blood relation, even if they were different species. Even if he didn't want to admit it, he did quit enjoy having Miko around and sure they didn't actually intend to hand her over to a Decepticon part of him was hoping that they would meet a more natural Cybertronian or even recruit a new Autobot into their ranks though both were clear long shot's now though that he knew who he was dealing with he knew there was no way he could leave Miko in such a Cybertronian's care. Ignoring Miko for the time being Ratchet scoffed. "Who are you supposed to be?" Ratchet asked as he took a step back.

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