Ch.17: "Miss. Nakadai, Welcome back!"

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Six Weeks Later

Children's cartoons played quietly on the TV in the kid's area of the base as Miko numbly staired down at the textbook in her lap which was propped up slightly by her leg's. After overhearing a very much annoying unknown male yelling at one of the robot's about 'having-to-make-up-a-story-about-someone-being-alive-now', Jack and Rafael had both set a stack of textbook's followed by what Miko guessed was hundreds of papers on the coffee table in front of where she had sat. A school bag which she had been told was hers was also set down, the print of monkeys with guitars on the bag seeming to make fun of her as she stared at the bag. Now after an hour she had completed three paper's all the while momentarily being distracted by the TV every few seconds but catching herself before she became to engrossed in the childish cartoon.

She could still hear the somewhat clear voice of the man in a suit behind her in the med-bay as she turned to look across the giant silo. The yelling soon got louder as the man stomped out. "Her parents are expecting her back in Tokyo in three days and her Host Parents are expecting her tonight. There's nothing more I can do to prolong things!" The man stated, stomping up the catwalk and pushing the elevator button. "I've tried everything but it's kind of hard to slow thing's when you're trying to avoid the topic of giant alien robots from an alien planet!" He added just as the elevator's door opened.

Miko watched nervously {the sudden feeling over coming her} as the doors of the elevator closed and the sound of the elevator moving up could be heard. She looked back over to the med-bay and watched as the orange and white colored robot along with the red and blue colored robot both walked out of the med-bay, both looking defeated through, one seemingly more than the other.

"You can't be considering this Optimus?! She still has a spark reading not to mention she still is seemingly still having side effects and they appear to be getting worse. She can't even keep any fuel down for Primus sake!"

"While that is a concern what is more important now is cooperating with the human government even if you don't want to." Optimus stated, calling out Ratchet for his previous rant in the med-bay earlier that day when Fowler had earlier given them the news of Miko going back to her host family's house then heading home in three days.

Ratchet glared at the mech, his long-time best friend, as he crossed his arms over his chest plates. "If she has any more complication's tonight that could possibly be more than just purging, I'm not going to be responsible if her host parent's see what color it is." He stated with a huff.

Miko turned around and leaned back against the couch with a huff as she to cross her arms over her chest. She was tired and wanted to sleep but considering she had way too much homework she had thought that getting as much as she could get done was better than wasting time by sleeping but hearing the yelling and arguments across the room was enough for her to want to not do any work and just pass out for as long as possible. Maybe even not even waking up because than she wouldn't be in this nightmare. As for what Ratchet was talking about it, it became blatantly obvious after she had first woken up that something was wrong with her body when she, at least a few minutes after eating solid food, would vomit it back up, either oddly intact or in several pieces being disintegrated by what she assumed was her own blood or bile which was oddly enough in itself, green in color. As far as she knew blood was red which was one of the signs that immediately told her something must have happened to her that she wasn't told about and or was being covered up. She had actually asked about it before but the question of 'why' was always dodged and never answered leaving her frustrated but also just done with the conversation in all its entirely.

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