Ch.7: "Did you find her?"

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Miko used to love loud noises, in fact in some ways she adored the loudness of noises since she would always play her electric guitar as loud as she could, but her current situation was just too much for her. The human-now-turned-sparkling wanted to just run and hid but all she could do was whine quietly as the two 'cons in front of her bickered back and force, one yelling, while the other seemed to at least consider the fact a sparkling was in their presence. Miko's optics darted back and forth between the seemingly tall door behind Knockout and Starscream then back to the corner which Predaking had been just an hour ago. She had no clue where Predaking was considering how she had been in recharge but due to always waking up with Predaking around the absence of said Predacon scared her slightly. It also didn't help that she was still sick and mildly worse seeing as everything was bothering her. The sparkling's helm pounded along with a small tank ache which was probably caused by lack of Energon due to the two mech's in front of her forgetting to give her Energon which was sitting on top of a stray crate which was too tall for her to reach {she had tried already to get it but had failed greatly}. Part of her knew the Energon was bad after all Ratchet had made it a point to lecture herself, Jack, and Raf about why Energon was bad for humans but yet the Decepticon's saw fit to experiment on humans with the substance which she probably shouldn't have been surprised about but yet here she was being surprised by the fact they even considered it.

Miko squeaked when she was suddenly lifted up off the ground. Knockout and Starscream where nowhere to be seen which caused Miko to look up at who had picked her up off the ground. The visor form of Soundwave stared back at her causing her to let out yet another squeak, this time out of pure terror. All she wanted to do was hide in her corner as she instantly regretted even making her presence known. Miko struggled for a moment, determined to get out of the arms of her captor but after a few minutes of even trying she found herself exhausted and in need of a nap. She slumped against Soundwave's chassis as she rubbed her optics with her small servo's. Miko wanted so badly to yell at herself for doing such a childish thing but at the same time every childish thing felt oddly normal, as if it was normal for the sixteen-year-old teenager to do such things. She lost count of every little thing that was remotely childish to her that she had done. She couldn't help but think that if she was a baby Cybertronian then shouldn't she just give into her childish urges?

It's what she should do, right?


She couldn't give in; she was fifteen after all and not some new-born alien kid that they were treating her as. Upon the Cybertronian equivalent of a bottle meeting her lip she abruptly pushed the bottle away. She wanted to smack herself when she whined. She could only figure this was her brains natural way of showing her displeasure against something she didn't like which caused her to miss speaking. Sure, if she could speak, she would no doubt cussed out most of the Decepticon's she had come into contact with and probably died in the process of somewhat escaping but at least then she could say she died trying but now she was completely vulnerable against the Decepticon's. Heck, even Megatron was somewhat nice to her on the rear occasion he randomly popped up in Shockwave's laboratory which just showed how vulnerable she was considering how he could have easily killed her right then and there but didn't.

The tears that came to her optics only added to her own irritation as Soundwave once again tried to give her the bottle. She knew she probably did need to give in and just drink the liquid out of the stupid bottle but what pride she had left didn't want her to. She only pushed away the bottle once again with yet another whine but this time it was a whine mixed with a small hic-up. Miko know it was only moments before she would finally give in, but the poor sparkling was determined to fight for as long as she could.

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