Two: "Where are you, Miko?"

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Upon returning to class Miko just sat in her seat staring at the clock above the whiteboard. She only had five more minutes before the bell rang releasing her from her prison. Her eyes darted around the room before finally landing on the window next to her. Outside she could see the Aston Martin across the street causing a shiver to run down her spine. For a moment she thought she saw the mirror on the car turn in her direction as if to look at her. She shook her head in denial as there was no way a Decepticon- let alone Knockout of all Decepticons would be out here as surely wouldn't want the Autobot's potentially ruining his paint job let alone a 'fleshie' {as he enjoyed calling humans} doing so- would try anything in broad daylight. Miko quickly jumped upon hearing the bell ring signaling the end of the day. Quickly she gathered up her things and headed out the door. Miko glanced around the hall in hopes of catching a glimpse of either Jack or Raf but sadly she saw none of them. Miko heard the familiar giggles of Cierra and her so called friends as she walked by them on her way to her locker. Who knew what the school's most popular girl could be giggling about now but considering how she saw her looking straight at her it wasn't too hard to guess but regaining some of her self-back for the time being, she decided they weren't her time and energy to confront let alone look at so without much as a second look at them Miko proceeded to toss her extra things into her locker, such being a few notebooks and regular workbooks for classes, after done emptying the contents that wasn't needed out of her bag into her locker then she closed the sticker covered locker door and headed out the side door away from the Aston Martin. Going out one of the side doors to avoid said suspected Decepticon which took a little extra time but if it meant she wouldn't have to look at the car then it was worth it.

Miko waited nearly an hour behind the school just to see if Bulkhead would look for her or at least make an appearance as he would normally drive around the school to pick her up if she used a different door other than the front for some reason or another but when he hadn't Miko sighed to herself, picked up her bag which rested next to her on the ground and headed out, starting her walk home. About five minutes into her twenty-minute walk home she heard a car engine causing her to quickly turn around. A very nice-looking car sped past her, the car belonging to Vince, the school's bully. Vince yelled out the window something that Miko couldn't make out due to the speed he was going but then again, she didn't want to even know what was said as Vince was known to be a jerk to everyone he met. She looked behind her once again and then turned back around and continued walking home. Another five minutes went by when she heard the all too familiar engine. The Aston Martin, which had been parked in front of the school, was now behind her. She turned back around and gulped. Miko gripped the straps of her backpack as she walked. Her phone vibrated in her pocket causing her to quickly take it out. On the screen was a text from Jack which read: 'R U coming to base?'

"You know this would be easier if you just stopped and got in."

Miko jumped at the sudden voice. She quickly spun around and nearly had a heart attack as Knockout was now directly behind her. "Yeah right!" She said, her confidence coming back. "Like I would go with you." Miko turned around from the car as she walked, purposely turning down a road that led to K.O Burger. Her pace quickened in hopes of somehow deterrer Knockout if he realized she was going to a populated area.

"You do know that no matter what you do I'll just catch you easily, right?" Knockout asked, boredom evident in his voice. He was still silently fuming over this 'mission'.

Miko thought for a moment. Knockout was right in a way but that didn't mean she still couldn't try through, right? Without warning she shook off her bag and took off down the road. Her bag hit the ground with a thud which was soon followed by the unnecessary squealing of tires thanks to Knockouts 'showoff-y-ness' "Doesn't mean I can't try, 'con!" She called behind her as she ran. Luckily, she was near the Burger joint now. If she could have, Miko would have ran to her host family's house but if she did that, she would be putting them in danger and though they weren't exactly the best that didn't mean she wished potential death on them. It would be better to run to the Burger joint seeing as more people meant more witness.

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