Ch.3 "I couldn't."

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Unknown Location

Miko's eyes flew open as she sat up. For a moment she looked forward at seemingly nothing as she caught her breath. The last thing she remembered was Knockout then there was nothing. Nervousment wrecked her small frame as she quickly looked around half expecting to find herself in some sort of prison but instead thirteen figures stood around what looked like some sort of giant caldron though it might as well be just that as it had the appearance of one and though unknown to her, it was a Energon pool filled with the past and present and even some future one's of herself. The figures took no notice to her as she stood up and hesitantly walked forward towards them. She wanted to ask what was going on, and where she was but something seemed to be holding her back. The clearly Cybertronian thirteen figures all talked amongst themselves in a language Miko didn't understand. It didn't sound like what she thought was normal Cybertronian instead it sounded much older though it was hard to tell since she clearly didn't know anything about the Cybertronian language, old and new. 

Miko jumped suddenly as the caldron exploded the vapor hanging in the air. She rubbed her eyes in disbelief at what she was seeing. There in the vapor was a clear image of herself. The image changing drastically to when she was a child to a teenager. A image, almost video like stood out to the thirteen figures. The video like image showed a sleeping sparkling, wrapped up in a Predacon's wing. Miko was confused. First the images were clearly of her but now... now it was of some sort of Cybertronian which she defiantly was not. This had to be of someone else now.  

One figure seemed to hover closer to the pool of Energon then the rest. The figure had bent down and placed a servo in the pool watching as the Energon around their servo grew purple." The femme sparkling is running out of time. The defects are already slowly consuming her frame." The figure stated, voice sounding female, as they backed away from the pool of Energon.

"Was it really wise to allow someone, a human no less, to fall to the servos of a psychopath?" Another one asked as they stepped forward, this time voice sounding male.

The female figure abruptly turned away from the pool. "Are you questioning me?" the female asked almost as if to challenge the other figure.

The male figure sighed. " How is a human supposed to stop a war?" He asked.

The female seemed to smirk. "Everyone's longing for something. It takes one small push to bring Cybertronian's together and that push will be the sparkling." the Female stated seemingly staring straight at Miko as she did which sent shivers down Miko's spine.

Just as quick as the conversation was, the group vanished seemingly out of thin air, then the image of the Cybertronian with the robotic dragon seemed to stay in the air then after a few seconds appeared to somehow catapult itself into Miko's face causing her to subconsciously flinch.

Miko's eyes slowly opened her eye's her vision blurry as she slowly registered mild pain as she moved. Her vision cleared after a moment allowing her to see that she was in some sort of prison cell that look an awful lot like the dreaded clear cylinder she had been shoved into when they were exchanged for other omega key's. The more Miko looked around the room the more she wished she hadn't woken up. The dream was bad enough, as bizarre for her to have had it she would much rather be back in that dream then where she was now. It was obvious she was on the Decepticon warship judging by the familiar whiney voice of the supposed second in command known as Starscream. Miko sat up right as the cylinder shook and, much to her dismay, she was suddenly optic-to-eye level with the war lord himself, Megaton. 

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