Ch.20: "You need a bell."

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Miko crossed her arms as she stared at the cup of Energon that had been placed in front of her. She huffed as she looked pointedly at Ratchet as if she expected Ratchet to suddenly change his processor about the little 'experiment' he had decided was the right idea to try with Miko even if Miko was the only test subject. Millions of scenarios played out through her brain as she then looked down at the cup dejectedly. With one final huff she picked up the cup but yet still glared at the Autobot medic. "If I die from this stuff, it's on you Doc-Bot." She stated.

Miko could tell Ratchet was holding back a retort as he looked down at her place on the catwalk. For a moment Ratchet wondered if it was worth giving Miko the satisfaction of a reaction out of him but after a moment he decided to hold his ground about the situation. "I told you beforehand that June will be here in a few minutes in case something does happen-" As if on que or hearing the medic the sound of the old middle silo main entrance opening and a car engine being heard was very much evident causing Miko to huff at the mention and knowing that June would most likely be standing next to her in a few seconds, "-but this should be safe for you, maybe even turn out to be what you survive on if it works since obviously human food isn't working very well anymore."

Miko scoffed. "'Should'." She repeated, "That's a classic."

"Think about it this way kid, if it doesn't work, we move on to plan B." Wheeljack stated, smirking at the teen.

Miko didn't even want to know what this supposed 'plan B' was. She looked down at the cup one last time before closing her eye's and downing the cup in one go. For a moment she tasted latterly nothing but then the taste hit her all at once and she couldn't decide if she actually enjoyed the substance considering how it only tasted like candy to her or if her brain was potentially melting. She looked up at Ratchet with a clear indication of confusion on her face which Ratchet somehow understood.

"It's flavored differently for you specifically. Thank June for the idea of flavoring it since apparently human's prefer unflavored thing's to be flavored. " He stated.

For a moment Miko glanced down the catwalk to the June's car pulling in. She watched as June waved to the others in greeting as she headed up towards Miko who by then had looked back down at the cup in hand. "So, I drank it, what now?" Miko asked curiously after nothing happened.

"Well since you didn't have an immediate reaction you will stay here for at least a few days and-"

"But I leave for home on Friday and it's Wednesday so technically I'll only be here for tomorrow." Miko pointed out. Miko could have sworn she saw Ratchet frown at the statement, that frown seeming to have a deeper meaning then his usual 'stop acting like an idiot' frown that she would sometimes receive if she said or did something relatively stupid that fell under the 'Wrench Lord's' annoyance radar that he seemed to have. She shrugged it off figuring the deeper meaning part of her thoughts was just her over thinking his usual reaction to things that the kid's would do or say.

June placed a hand on Miko's shoulder as she smiled. "Don't worry about that, Fowler has worked out the details. You are still going home but only long enough for you to get some more cloths and such then you'll be back here under the disguise of a 'government internship'." June explained a small smile gracing her lips as she glanced at Ratchet who tensed at first but soon relaxed and appeared to breathe a sigh of relief at the woman's explanation.

Miko didn't know why she dreaded leaving. Surely, she would be happy to leave a place she was familiar with but at the same time felt different, right?

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