Ch.15:"Well, well, well if it isn't the Decepticon sparkling pet."

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Predaking awoke to Mika's screaming and crying causing the mech's spark to race. He looked around for her seeing her in a corner of the room holding her knee's up to her chest and helm down as she rocked back and forth. She sobbed uncontrollably, her thoughts racing back and forth. Sure, the femme Insecticon scared her before {though she wouldn't admit it to the others} but through the optics of her sparkling self the Insecticon terrified, no petrified her. She heard shuffling next to her causing her to quickly bring her helm from her knee plates. At first Miko was terrified but upon making out the familiar form of her adopted parental unit she managed to stifle a sob before throwing herself forward to hug the mech who had kneeled down in robot form. Herself didn't even remotely wrap around him but to the sparkling it was the best she could do. Predaking lowered his head in a way to hug her to bring her some form of comfort from the obvious nightmare, a nightmare that had scared even Predaking for a moment seeing as Miko had gone from sleeping soundly to screaming, crying and running across the cave. The bond they shared was jumbled at least Miko's end was. No matter how much comfort, love, and attention he was sending to her through the parental/sparkling bond none appeared to be getting through to the hysterical sparkling which worried the mech.

For over an hour Miko had sobbed, her sobs had finally died down after that hour to somewhat loud crying, to softer cried, then finally to only hiccups and sniffles. Every little sound Miko had heard caused her to Jump. From the simple water drops further back into the cave to the winds outside. Her optics threatened to close as she had tired herself out from the crying. Her once tense body finally slumped against the Predicon, finally giving in on shutting her optics though unknown to her {or Prediking for that matter}, this wasn't her usual 'nap after something stressful' no this was something much worse. She had seemingly passed out for unknown reasons.


Miko found herself drawing on the ground with a stick. For a moment she was lost in thought, she hadn't even realized she wasn't Cybertronian anymore for that matter. The only thing on the fifteen-year old's mind was how she just wanted things to go back to the way it was before the whole mess began. With a sigh she flopped down dramatically on the sandy beach below her but then soon bolted up right and looked around. This defiantly wasn't the cave she had grown familiar with and from looking at herself she defiantly knew she wasn't Cybertronian. She couldn't help but smile and laugh to herself as she found she was wearing her signature outfit, shorts with leggings underneath, a tank top over a T-shirt, and finally her hair in her signature ponytails. A frown soon appeared on her face when she realized she wasn't anywhere that was familiar with her.

Cautiously she stood up, the sand beneath her converse clad feet blowing away with the breeze. She looked around and saw a bright blue and purple ocean before her which startled her to say the least. Around her wasn't even the outside, it was a cave, cave after cave wall was around her seemingly making an unknown maze to her. Instead of doing the sensible thing and moving away from the 'water' she found herself going to the 'water' She stood before the shallow end of the ocean and looked down. She expected to see the murky waters just like in a more normal ocean but instead she was being shown a crystal-clear image of what she could only guess to be some type of planet.

"That's Cybertron, or at least it used to be Cybertron. " A female voice said or more like boomed from above the now human teen.

Miko looked up, eye's widening at the giant titan before her. "whoa..." she struggled to form word's which amused the unknown titan before her. "Are you...?" Miko began but trailed off as her brain raced a mile a minute.

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