Ch.8: "Yep, that's Miko."

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Miko awoke to the shouts of none other than Agent Fowler. It was apparent that Fowler was angry about something, through what was unknown to Miko. All she knew what that Fowler had somehow managed to become as loud as someone yelling into a megaphone. Miko used to love loud noises, even if it was through her guitar or going to loud concerts. Miko squeaked in annoy once as she sat up, looking over at the commotion. She was quickly noticed by Fowler as he stomped over to the berth she was on. She noticed Jack, Raf, and June who all three looked worried as they watched Fowler march over to Miko. The sight of her two best friends, well she hoped they would still consider her to be a best friend as she did, worried the teen as she was afraid they were still mad at her. She looked around desperately for Bulkhead, or for someone whom she felt comfortable enough with her current state of being but saw no one other then Arcee who appeared to be watching the scene of what was currently going on. She figured Bulkhead must have been on patrol considering how he and smokescreen wasn't in the room to witness Fowler blow up like a stick of dynamite.

"-and what do you expect me to tell her host family, huh? 'Oh, I'm sorry to inform you but your child your supposed to be looking after is a giant alien baby now.' He asked through it was more of a statement as he looked away from the Cybertronian sparkling. "What do I tell her parents in Japan? The same story?" Fowler gestured over the Miko who in turn let out a few annoyed clicks at the sight of the overbearing human.

"Agent Fowler, I understand your concerns but if we can still keep this to ourselves, Ratchet can hopefully figure out a way to return her to her human self. In the meantime, it is best if she stays here as a Cybertronian is better to take care of a sparkling. A human wouldn't have any idea how to take care of a sparkling." Optimus pointed out, sounding as if even he was about to lose his cool.

"I can't just leave her here with you ''bots! She's human, she doesn't belong to you!" Fowler fumed.

"She is Cybertronian if you haven't noticed." Ratchet stated as he finally noticed the annoyed sparkling. Miko stared up at him with pleading optics as if asking why Fowler was acting the way he was. "And if you could keep your voice down, we would greatly appreciate it, she was in much needed recharge but you interrupted it."

"Oh, so loud noises bother Miko now? When was she ever bothered by loud noises, if anything she's getting a taste of her own medicine, how does she think everyone else feels when she comes in here blasting her music, playing her guitar so loud!"

"That's enough!" Optimus suddenly said. "With all do respect I suggest you leave, Agent Fowler."

"Why should I leave? I've done nothing-" Fowler began but was cut off by Miko's sudden sharp screech. It was clear that even she was done with Fowlers yelling. She sobbed quit loudly in frustration causing Fowler to cover his ears at the volume. He gritted his teeth as he backed up to the catwalk. "This isn't over Prime!" He yelled as he went into the elevator.

Upon the absence of Fowler Miko had stopped screeching, Miko hugged the old wrench to her chest plate as it had been handed to her in between the chaos of Fowler yelling and her screeching. The 'want to be suddenly comforted' feeling was oddly strange to her as she hadn't felt that type of need since she was sixteen years' old. Miko suddenly felt herself being picked up but by who she didn't know. She immediately stuffed her helm into who ever held her neck cables as a way to hide herself. She wasn't at all embarrassed to be acting out in front of all her friends as at the same time she felt as if it was the only thing she could do. After a few moments she was able to calm herself down enough so that she could finally look around. She saw that Arcee had been the one to comfort her and was actually happy that it wasn't any of the other's as she felt as if it would be just awkward for not only herself but also them as well.

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