Ch.5:"You've caused quite a stir on this ship."

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Miko stared at the wall in front of her as she resisted the urge to move. Behind her she could hear the hulking beast of 'robot dragon' breathing deeply as if asleep through she couldn't tell if it was actually asleep as for all she knew this 'robot dragon' {as could actually be awake and if it was Miko was dreading moving in an attempt to get as far away as possible from it. The image of her being just a smudge on the ground did not look appealing to her to say the least.

'C'mon Miko get it together, you're afraid of nothing!' She lectured herself. After a moment of tense silence, the teen mustard the courage to move though only moving her head but it was a start. She turned her head and was relieved to see that the 'robot dragon' had not moved though it was hard to tell if it had acknowledged her in any sort of way. Slowly she began to sit up though when the annoying nauseous feeling had returned, she had stopped momentarily then when it had passed continued on. She looked over once again and nearly shrieked as she staired eye-to-optic with the 'dragon'. How the Predacon had moved without her noticing was beyond her, but she supposed that was the least of her worries as of right now. Right now, she needed to be worried about getting away so she could at least attempt to live another day. 

Miko scooted back but soon flinched in her back hit the wall. Dread filled her when she realized she couldn't get around the beast at least without sprinting a mock speed's {or with a prayer to whatever mystical deity thought that putting her in this position was a good idea}. She thought back momentarily to that weird dream she had upon the very first time she woke up on the Nemesis. "I blame those giant robots." Miko muttered outload to herself though her eye's shot towards the Predacon's sudden seemingly questioning head tilt at what she had said. 

Miko resisted the urge to 'aw' at the 'robot dragon' as she did find the gesture quite cute.

'Focus Miko!' She chastised herself.

Miko jumped at the sudden sound of the large double door's opening and the sound of and unfamiliar heavy footsteps we're heard. 

"Oh, would you be quit. You act like you don't appreciate Energon." An unfamiliar voice stated when Pradaking began to growl which caused Miko to flinch as she half expected the 'robot dragon' to turn around and squish her with a single talon, several talon's that had been bearing upon the door opening. The sound of a large metal bowl landing harshly on the ground. then sliding on the ground, the noise of it sliding causing Miko to cover her ears at the nearly deafening noise it made as it did so. The sound of walking started again though stopped after a few seconds. "I don't suppose you know where the fleshy is." The voice asked then as if on an afterthought added "as if you can understand me anways." 

Miko watched in sudden nervousness as the 'Robot Dragon' turned his head to look at her then back at whoever was speaking. There was silence again then a surprised gasp. "We'll I'll be- how are you not offlined." Miko still couldn't see anything, but she had a pretty good idea what had happened considering how Predaking suddenly tensed and began to growl. "I-I'm not here to do any harm, I just came for the fleshy so it can be checked out by Doc-Knock." The voice explained sounding surprised. "Fleshy- er - Miko, can you come out, so I don't lose a servo to this thing?" 

Miko's heart nearly dropped to her feet at the sudden mention of her name. For a moment she considered her options: either see if she can make a break for it again with whoever was here {though she was pretty sure she couldn't scale any robot of any size for now} or stay in the same room as someone or rather something that's bigger than most Vehicon's on this ship. The sound of chains rattling broke her from her dilemma filled thought's just as she made up her mind. Slowly, she stood up though a little wobbly then used the wall as support to help her not fall flat on her face. When she was out from behind Predaking and could see whoever else was in the room she was surprised to see Breakdown of all Decepticon. She half expected Knockout again but given how Breakdown was here she supposed he could have been busy. As soon as Miko pushed off the wall and proceed to make her way towards the 'con a sudden metallic tail came down in her way which knocked her straight off her feet. "Hey! That was rude!" Miko exclaimed as she staired angrily at the culprit. 

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