Ch.18: "Fifty percent."

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Miko's eye's threatened to close as the math teacher drowned on about variables and fractions. Sure, it was normal for her to be board during school but never tired or well, tired enough to actually fall asleep that is. Most of the time she faked it just to get out of work. With a silent huff she used the back of her hands to rub her eyes as her vison blurred before clearing. Miko glanced down at the textbook, which was open before her, then back up the board. She could feel eyes on her as she wrote down what was on the marker board before her but after finishing, she had felt the weird sensation of eyes on her which caused her to look around once she was finished writing. Staring directly at her was Raf who had a concerned look on his face. Miko shrugged her shoulder's as she yawned quietly but apparently the yawn was loud enough for the teacher, Miss. Brickwood, to turn abruptly to her.

"Miss. Nakadai!" She snapped. "I hope you've been writing down everything since it appears you would rather sleep then do the work.".

"I wrote everything down." Miko stated, twirling her pencil between her fingers.

Miss. Brickwood narrowed her eyes at the teen as she walked to the back of the class and over to where Miko was sitting. She eyed Miko as she picked up the notebook in question and looked it over apparently expecting the opposite of what had been claimed but given by the look of disbelief that took over her features on her face it was clear she had passed whatever exam the teacher appeared to be giving her as Miss. Brickwood gave the notebook back to Miko. "I must say this is rather surprising, but I do hope you continue this in the future instead of it being just a onetime thing." She said, then began to walk away. "You can consider me catching you falling asleep a warning though considering how you are leaving in a in a few days." Miss. Brickwood added as if an afterthought. Miko simply nodded which apparently was the signal for the teacher to continue her lessen as she then picked back up her dry erase marker and began speaking about the lesson once again.


After school, Miko had decided to wait for Bulkhead to pick her up at the steps of the school but when he hadn't showed after ten minutes she decided to sit down on one of concrete side railings and sketch in her note book, the current moment causing her to have a since of Deja Vu, that Deja Vu causing her to wince at the sudden pain in her head which had resulted in her grabbing her head with both hand's for a split second as several images, images she didn't remember, flashed through her mind. She groaned in frustration as this was the second time this had happened though this time she luckily didn't pass out since she was able to register the sudden honking of a vehicle. She abruptly looked up and spotted Bulkhead's alt mode parked in front of the school. Gathering up her thing's that she had than discovered she had dropped she headed over to Bulkhead and got in.

The ride to base was unnerving for the wrecker. Sure he enjoyed Miko's company but the fact she had turned down hard metal music the minute he had asked if she wanted the 'usual soundtrack' told him this wasn't the normal Miko which he had expected but a part of him had hopped she would be back to her normal, bubbly, and energetic self but seeing as she was quit and just sitting there, staring at her phone that she had taken from her bag immediately, it was obvious this wasn't going to happen.

"So, uh, how was school?" Bulkhead asked, attempting to get her to at least talk or even just a plain response from her.

Miko was silently for a minute causing Bulkhead to wonder if something had happened. "It was fine." She stated after a moment then added, "A little weird but fine."

"What was 'weird' about it?" Bulkhead asked after a moment of silence between the two.

Miko didn't know why but she found herself explaining what had happened though out the day, though leaving out the weird visons at the end of the school day. She wasn't sure why, but something told her that Bulkhead had to have been important to her before or maybe it was just because he was just wanting to talk but she could tell that Bulkhead had listened, commenting on thing's every now and then. Before both new it they had arrived at base. Miko picked up her bag off the floorboard and attempted to try and make a mad dash for the human area but upon the sudden 'epp, epp, epp!' noise from Ratchet in the middle of doing so it was clear she wasn't getting out of the supposed 'check-up' from the Autobot Medic.

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